The World World Census

The Most Cheerful Citizens in the World

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

1.The Kingdom of KaigiCorrupt Dictatorship“If you lived here, you'd be eating pie by now.”
2.The Commonwealth of Tierra del QuesoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Just like France, without the snotty demeanor.”
3.The United Socialist States of SpanLeft-wing Utopia“We Own Y'all!”
4.The Empire of CorsariaCorrupt Dictatorship“Personal sacrifice for the betterment of all.”
5.The Republic of KyupaaLeft-Leaning College State“O, Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”
6.The Forest Realm of WolfhawkScandinavian Liberal Paradise“To Dream the Impossible Dream”
7.The Dystopic World Nation of OmegadraxCivil Rights Lovefest“Happy Citizens. Happy Businesses. Happy Nation.”
8.The Fielzão of TimaoNew York Times Democracy“Timão Eô!”
9.The Idyllic Paradise of MograpelandiaDemocratic Socialists“A Starbucks and weed dispensary on every corner!”
10.The Eudaimonia of Luna AmoreBenevolent Dictatorship“If there were a premium to be paid on bad ideas, I'd want drilling rights to your head.”
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