The Azure Archipelago is a Frontier. New nations may be founded here.

WA Delegate: The World Superpower of Titanshen (elected )

Founder: Eupanica

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 408th Most World Assembly Endorsements: 926th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to The Azure Archipelago

This is the renowned ACA's frontier region!

We aim to be a welcoming incubator for newcomers who need a little time to settle in.

Feel free to hang around TAA, or move to the main ACA region.

- Regional Banner ✔
- Regional Flag ✔
- Regional WFE ✔
- Regional Rules ✔
- Recruit Delegate ✔
- Recruit Vice-Delegate ✔
- Recruit State Secretary ✔
- Recruit Diplomacy Secretary
- Recruit Homeland Secretary ✔
- Recruit Interior Secretary
- Attach Defence Liaison
- Frontier Transition ✔

ACAThe Azure Archipelago

  1. 1

    TAA Rules & Regulations

    BulletinPolicy by Eupanica . 41 reads.

  2. 1

    TAA Starting Guide

    MetaReference by Eupanica . 47 reads.

  3. 1

    The ACA Times Issue 3

    BulletinNews by Aca times . 44 reads.

  4. 1

    Archives & Frontiers Bill 2024

    BulletinPolicy by Ostfelder . 35 reads.

  5. 142

    How to start a nation with any WA classification

    MetaGameplay by Vivolkha . 4,691 reads.

  6. 4,227

    The Complete List of NSCodes

    MetaReference by Testlandia . 176,370 reads.

▼ 3 More

Embassies: ACA, Guinea Kiribati, The Embassy, Pecan Sandies, The United Democratic States, The Allied Nations, and United States Mint.

Tags: Casual, Colony, Frontier, Governorless, and Large.

The Azure Archipelago contains 74 nations, the 408th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Conservative in The Azure Archipelago

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, The Azure Archipelago is ranked 11,523rd in the world for Most Conservative.

1.The Glorious Motherland of TonyapolisIron Fist Consumerists“It's time for a return to traditional fear-based values”
2.The Empire of Terra dos CristaosPsychotic Dictatorship“Viva o Cristo!”
3.The Dictatorship of Diktaktor perusahaan miw dinastiFree-Market Paradise“Tidak ada”
4.The Matriarchy of Emdna7Iron Fist Consumerists“King is dead long live the anarchy”
5.The Dominion of San JestosAuthoritarian Democracy“Twirling Toward Freedom”
6.The Queendom of LestouPsychotic Dictatorship“A vida não e um morango”
7.The Livewire Tabby of SparkitAuthoritarian Democracy“Static Electricity”
8.The Republic of PreshevoConservative Democracy“Peace and Justice”
9.The Republic of DeMarcus WalkerMoralistic Democracy“Celebrating the NFL”
10.The Armed Republic of LemazinMoralistic Democracy“Subservient to Kelton, Subservient to Christ”
1234. . .78»

Regional Happenings


The Azure Archipelago Regional Message Board