All Power to the People!
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 798thMost Influential: 4,770thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 5,346th
The Commonwealth of
Left-wing Utopia
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New Yankmoth

Population317 million


Currencysteel note
Animalbull moose

The Commonwealth of New Yankmoth is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its museums and concert halls, sprawling nuclear power plants, and free-roaming dinosaurs. The compassionate, democratic, devout population of 317 million Yanks are free to do what they want with their own bodies, and vote for whomever they like in elections; if they go into business, however, they are regulated to within an inch of their lives.

The enormous, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Education, Administration, and Industry. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Bostmoth. The average income tax rate is 78.7%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The thriving Yankee economy, worth 24.6 trillion steel notes a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector is led by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry, with major contributions from Tourism, Retail, and Book Publishing. Average income is 77,637 steel notes, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Abortions are routinely performed in the nation's hospitals, sometimes a single pallbearer is all you need, parking's carefree without parking car fees, and forty-year-old men are asked for their ID before watching the latest pony cartoon movies. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. New Yankmoth's national animal is the bull moose, which is also the nation's favorite main course.

New Yankmoth is ranked 315,489th in the world and 833rd in The Communist Bloc for Largest Cheese Export Sector, scoring -7.48 on the Mozzarella Productivity Index.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 798thTop
Most Influential: 4,770thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 5,346thMost Advanced Public Transport: 8,069thHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 11,353rdLeast Corrupt Governments: 11,961stLargest Welfare Programs: 12,777thNicest Citizens: 12,981stMost Compassionate Citizens: 13,475thMost Inclusive: 13,648thMost Cheerful Citizens: 14,423rdMost Income Equality: 15,016thTop
Highest Food Quality: 19,612thLargest Agricultural Sector: 20,638thHighest Average Tax Rates: 22,018thMost Devout: 22,431stMost Cultured: 24,447thMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 27,268thSafest: 27,616thMost Advanced Public Education: 32,243rdMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 32,835thLongest Average Lifespans: 34,270th
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 6th in the regionTop
Most Devout: 25th in the regionTop
Largest Agricultural Sector: 64th in the regionLargest Retail Industry: 80th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 169 » Nugland, AlwaLov, The Merigelle, Kirrlark, Femboy Republics, Rhode Island and the Narragansett, Union of Socialist Worker Councils, Educated Westarians, Greater Vietnamese Empire, Encaoua, Cymbrian, Appalachian Townships, Quebec second, The New Liberated California, Orquestralia, Comuny, Nouvelle-Louisbourg, Bobismh, Holy Palestine, Manawskistan, Kaldu, East Rarity, Kandura, Pridneprovye, The Peoples United Commun, Berlin-Moscow Union, Nacupopej, Malaya Communism, Noachia, Karelianastan, Euchora, Rhudiland, Soviet Felines, Sooya Hercheland, Entisia, Sozschen, Arulo, Raro del Sur, Minahasa, Merijnteren Empire, Socialist America SA, Mikustania, Heisen burg, East Sternwich, New Balan Lib, Doultrenia, Corbeaux Communiste, East Radivia, Jakestan, Rellenia, and 119 others.Argon Federation, Phobosia, Tigerstan, Ibarabayashi, Carrico, Apokstov, Mirinesu, PD Kuykendall, Solova, Losche, Soviet Kem, New Halliningrad, Borealian Communes, Asenusia, Klugheit Edukado, Privenia, Illeron, Eurasian Soviet States, Kilmtopia, GirlsAndGays, New Kiumper Pinesland, Jugoistocna Evropa, Modelia, Bastionias, Ashyea, Old Corus, Ratling, The Liberalists You Love, Abiyna, Belford Rubro, Lortonica, Dindrenzi, Khrushchyovkastan, Gwerq, The Prussian Cascades, Saxxony, Salmont, United Urathian States, Tin Tin Town, Omnesgratis, New Modriudor, Tageszentia, Ostrice, North Fluedan, Asinland, Glorystan, Maxuus, The Great Comrades of the Revolution, Free Workers Confederacy, People vote law every month, New Soviet States of America, SRMR Tabak, United Rianja, Nilave, Emi Cse Bakay, Selizon, Blessed Anarchic Commune of Michigania, Isola del Sol, Kitchen Nation, Chalredonia, Socialist Republic of Soviets, Loruch Elidgevr, SapphoLesbos, Hangeok, Our India, Thoamia, Czecho-slovako-carpathia, Optimismostan, Free Laos, Taramna, Grebanistan, The soviet republic of SynerG, The Persian Territories, Holy Souru, Twelfth Legion Fulminata, Darsavia, Amber and Night, Tewi, East Lithuania, Joseph World, The palace of God 2, Zambianka, Pax Iustitia, Gabagoolonia, Zuatal, Stravonskaya, Mukidonia, Serpent Foley, The Coyote Commune, Union of Soviet Social-ist Republics, Khazhkhovija, Lorthanien, Michelsland, Mutlistan, United Catalonia, Owmni, Zimblo, Ustresh, Capykar, Kalduvia, Iron Fiolite Provinces, Titanland, Wimahl, Zitherstadt, Altalus, Kyriarsk, Libercivita, Anarchist Congo, Greater Rizia, New Yazministan, The Freyjans, The Vizeists, The New Islands of Fredonia, The Hidden Sand Village, Sermis, Hateration And Harlotry, Osraitz, Arkostok, and The Common.
