Governor: Lady galadriel

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Lady galadriel

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Highest Workforce Participation Rate: 1,226th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 2,689th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 2,772nd+2
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 2,791st Longest Average Lifespans: 2,891st
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to Lothlórien
The Golden Wood of the Galadhrim

Sit on a flett.
Walk beneath the mallorn trees.
See elanor and niphredil blossom.
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo.

Lothlórien is a casual region for people who like Tolkien's stories.

You can vote in our Tolkien polls, regardless which region your nation is in. If you are in a region with an embassy to Lothlórien, you can participate in the RMB conversation. Telegram the founder, if you wish to join Turkdulapitou, Guardian paladin and Lady galadriel in making fandom polls here. Featured 14.10.2020. If you wish to build a new embassy with this region, would you please telegram the founder Lady Galadriel first.

Link to all current polls in the world which your nation is eligible to vote in

  1. 4

    Welcome to Lothlórien!

    MetaReference by Lady galadriel . 34 reads.

  2. 1

    Lothlorien's Tolkien Themed Polls

    BulletinNews by Lady galadriel . 144 reads.

  3. 16

    How to help Middle Earth !

    MetaReference by Dispatch . 590 reads.

  4. 2

    Middle Earth Roleplay - Update 01

    MetaGameplay by Dispatch . 69 reads.

  5. 8

    Middle Earth Role Play

    MetaGameplay by Dwarven mines . 143 reads.

  6. 5

    LotR Artist Gallery - A Musical Interlude

    FactbookCulture by Dor caranthir . 93 reads.

▼ 3 More

Embassies: Mordor, Middle Earth, gondor, Minas Tirith, Rohan, The Shire, The Maritimes, Hobbiton, and ainulindale.

Tags: Casual, Eco-Friendly, Fandom, Featured, Governorless, Magical, Minuscule, and Multi-Species.

Lothlorien contains 2 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Insurance Industry in Lothlorien

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, Lothlorien is ranked 5,395th in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

1.The Miraculous Moves of MiraculouslyDemocratic Socialists“Might Makes Right”
2.The Dictatorship of Sauron AnnatarCorrupt Dictatorship“For Sauron”

Regional Happenings


Lothlorien Regional Message Board


Lord celeborn of lorien

tell me, where are the residents of ME, for i much desire to speak with them...

Lady galadriel

Favourite Tolkien character portrait by Lorenzo Colangeli

Lord celeborn of lorien

Lady galadriel

Howard Shore and Bear McCreary composers for new Tolkien series:

The Fellowship of the Band

Lady galadriel

What happened to Thorin & Co.'s musical instruments?


The Missing Whole of Left Butt Cheek

i could see them bringing the instruments with them thinking they'll have a ditty once they've vanquished the dragon

Lady galadriel

Greater dorwinion

Lindon-rivendell here!

Lady galadriel



Lady galadriel

Lord celeborn of lorien

Greetings, I am here once again.

Lady galadriel

Lady galadriel

Lord celeborn of lorien wrote:Greetings, I am here once again.

Good to see you, Lord Celeborn

Lord celeborn of lorien

The Kingdom of Witch-Realm of Angmar

wsg all

Forum View