
by Rost dreadnorramus. . 105 reads.

Fact books endorsed by the Empire

The Evils of Cultural Marxism

by Cultural marxism dispatch holder


This is a topic that I feel deserves a lot of attention. In all reality, this actually isn't going to be an opinion article, but rather, the truth and facts laid out before your very eyes. So, let's get into it.

Today, the forces of the right and third position world face a sizable foe, a foe which goes by many aliases. This foe goes by third wave feminism, identity politics, gender benders, "SJW"s, and countless more, but any knowledgeable person realizes that this combined foe is Cultural Marxism, an abhorrent ideology which poses a severe threat to the very progression and advancement of human society and culture. Where did this foe come from, and how did it rise? Let me give you a history lesson so we can learn the origins of this enemy. (if you want to skip the history lesson, click here)


We need to go through decades of history and backstory in order to understand and comprehend the issues we face today, and that is why the story starts on September 22, 1940. The Imperial Japanese Army began an invasion of French Indochina, a region of South East Asia comprising of modern-day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia under French control. Throughout the occupation, the Japanese were riddled by resistance fighters, communist and non-communist alike. The Japanese fought to quell these insurgents, until their eventual defeat in 1945 following the Soviet invasion of Manchuria and the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans. Following their defeat, the region of Indochina was returned to France. As soon as the colony was given back to the French, the rifles of the Vietnamese guerrilla fighters had just stopped smoking before they turned them on the French, starting another insurgency in 1950, in which the northern portion of Vietnam was a hellscape of revolution and insurgency. In 1954, France decided it was time to cut its losses and let the region of Indochina break away and establish 4 new nations; Cambodia, Laos, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam. A communist regime was established in North Vietnam, and an anti-communist regime was established in the south. Our story begins to unfold here.

The United States was heavily interested in supporting the anti-communist South Vietnam, and the two nations were at war in no time. In 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, a naval skirmish between a US naval vessel and a Vietnamese gunboat, ignited full American military involvement in the ongoing war between the two Vietnams. By the late 1960's, hundreds of thousands of Americans were drafted and deployed to Vietnam in an effort to prevent a communist takeover of the south. This was the first conflict which had full reports broadcasted on the newly popularized television. The people of America could watch the war from a first-hand source, and there was a significant portion of the populace which were unhappy with what they were seeing. Those unhappy campers were not thrilled when they were drafted to fight in the war, and so they found ways to avoid serving the nation and fulfilling their duty. Many abused government policies concerning education and college to dodge the draft, while others fled to Canada or Mexico. Those that went to colleges and institutions were able to stay in college and "learn" thanks to a draft exception concerning college education, and therefore, colleges of the time frame were disproportionately liberal and leftist, as many conservative and right-leaning individuals would support the war, and would not attempt to avoid the draft. This first wave of leftists accumulating in the colleges and universities of America are the humble origins of the modern day cultural Marxism movement.

The "hippies", as many of the time referred to them as, were in favor of peace and unconditional withdrawal from Vietnam, the legalization of drugs, the civil rights movement, and many other liberal ideals from the time. On the other hand, they were anti-military, anti-government, against conservatism, and against any form of authority over them. This vehemently anti-authority and disturbing mindset was the mastermind of incidents such as the Kent State shooting, in which an anti-war protest evolved into a riot. Troops from the Ohio National Guard were eventually deployed in order to maintain peace at the campus. The servicemen were then pelted with debris and projectiles, verbally and physically harassed, and subjected to severe stress upon their arrival at the riots. The mob began chasing them off campus in increasingly violent behavior, and they were forced up onto a hill where several servicemen cracked under pressure, and unfortunately, fired on American civilians, killing 4 and injuring 9. This incident was portrayed as an act of tyranny and massacre, when this was not the whole truth. This was the first instance of victimizing the left and criminalizing the right by the Cultural Marxists, when both sides of the incident were to blame. Eventually, with the end of American involvement in 1973, the tension died down, and the hippie movement seemed to disintegrate as a majority of the teenagers in the movement grew into adults and matured into functioning members of society. However, the not all of the hippies and civil rights activists of the 1960's were truly gone, and they would return to haunt America as they transformed from the students of yesterday into the professors of today. Our story begins here.

The Beginnings of Cultural Marxism

Since the late 2000's, young impressionable minds who enter colleges and universities across the nation are being "taught" by dangerous people. Many of the hippies and activists from the 1960's and 1970's have now become the college professors of today, as many of them returned to their schools and campuses to become "teachers". These impressionable minds, many of whom had little to no prior knowledge or understanding of society or politics, came into college looking for education, but instead found degradation. The mindsets and ideologies of these professors and their students fermented and mutated into a hideous combination of ideals, ranging from politics to economics, and even social policy. There is a plethora of issues to get into, so we will have to break it down piece by piece in order to fully understand what we are dealing with and why. Listed below are the main ideals which will be discussed, as well as a response to the conservative and Republican counterarguments which have been presented against them.

3rd Wave Feminism

The feminist and suffrage movements from history are nearly unrecognizable when placed in a line-up with 3rd wave feminism. 3rd wave feminism is a horrifically mutated and distorted take on the basic tenets of 1st and 2nd wave feminism, culminating into an evil ideology. The main philosophies of this movement are as follows in descending order of importance to the followers; The "empowering" of women and the malicious targeting of men, the promotion of abortion and the "my body, my choice" myth, the "rape culture" myth, and the denial of scientific facts.
3rd wave feminism promotes the idea that women deserve social, economic, and political advantages over men under the disguise of "equality", in which women are provided with obscene privileges which ironically mirror the privileges that the Cultural Marxism movement claim that whites and rich people have. The privileges and hoaxes that feminists want to impose are portrayed as equalizing measures to fix the perceived discrepancies between men and women, when these measures actually harm equality efforts. One of the most prominent lies that the feminists spout is the 77 cents to the dollar myth, claiming that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. This statistic has been debunked time and time again, because this study was incorrectly conducted, as it only uses the average income of females compared to males. LinkA good job is done here against this mtyh, among others. The real figure is more like a 6-cent difference, and this difference can be attributed to social and workplace choices that women make over men, which results in a slight pay difference. We are then provided with obscene failures at "rectifying" the situation, like Hasbro's "Ms. Monopoly", which failed right off the bat as a complete dumpster fire, recognized as the ignorance that it was. Now, if we were to assume that the 77 cents on the dollar myth was actually true, then why haven't employers across the nation only hired females over males, knowing they could be saving thousands on paychecks each month?

Another tactic that 3rd wave feminists employ is the mansplaining and the male privilege nonsense. Instead of re-wording the facts, I would like to quote a very well worded excerpt from Integralist Canada in his dispatch "7 Debunked Terms Used By Feminists".

"This is an easy one. Feminists don't like to listen to men say things that are different from what they believe. As a result they try to say that because men are male, they don't have the credibility to disagree with women about major issues. Not only is this very insulting, but it is completely illogical. Both men and women are thinking human beings who have the ability and the right to think about anything that they want to think about.

The second part of this relates to shy women not standing up for themselves when a man tries to summarize what they think she has said. Again, feminists here are encouraging women not to take responsibility for themselves and are unfairly criticizing men for doing nothing wrong."

This quote sums up this issue quite well, and I decided that it would be more effective to use this excerpt in its entirety rather than inevitably reiterating the same thing that the wonderful dispatch it originated in already states. I highly recommend that you read that article as well, as it addresses the feminist question in an even greater analysis. You can find the link to it in the sources section at the end of this article. Unfortunately, we will never see an update to this masterpiece, as his nation was deleted some time ago.

Something else that is worth mentioning, if men have so much privilege, Linkthen why are white males the dominant demographic in suicide rates? Why is the bulk of the military made up of males? Why do males rarely obtain custody of their children in divorce court? Why is it that when a ship is sinking, the captain yells “women and children first” at the lifeboats? Why is it that Linkthis tends to happen when a male calls a domestic abuse support hotline? (This one seriously disturbs me, and it should disturb everyone else too). Tell me how male privilege exists with all of this and more going on in our FIRST WORLD COUNTRY. In fact, tell me how there isn’t female privilege...

Third wave feminism is pure societal cancer in terms of sexual engagements between men and women. A big myth that radical feminists spread around is that men cannot be raped by women, or that the mere presence of an erection constitutes consent. If third wave feminism was truly about equality, than this obvious discrimination in treatment of sexual relations between the two sexes would not be such a common occurrence in the minds of feminists. Link As quoted here, "an erection is purely a physiological response to stimulus", and this is a direct quote from the scientific studies listed therein. Furthermore, many feminists would try to argue that if a man did not want to engage in the activity then they would just fight of the woman, because ironically they seem to forget about their whole "men are equal to women" claim when it comes to this biologically based scenario. When these arguments are introduced, feminists seem to disregard the possibility of the man being held against his will by a weapon, or several attackers. I'd also like to mention Linkthis video I found the other day which is quite disturbing. Although the survey subjects in this video do not announce support for feminism of any form, this type of behavior is often displayed by or supported by feminists of the third wave.

Another thing I always found contradictory in the feminist movement was the hypocrisy of the "women are strong and independent people" claim. The reason for this is not because I think women are not strong or capable of being independent, but rather, why would a strong and independent woman need a whole activist movement to prove that? Why should a strong and capable woman need an activist group to "empower" them if they are already intelligent and strong? It never did make any sense to me, and it seems to be one of the biggest flaws with 3rd wave feminism on a definitional level. Anyways, on to the next talking point on our safari.

Yet another big logical anomaly with third wave feminism is the idea that men need to stop with their "toxic masculinity" and that women need to be less feminine and be stronger. When putting these two tenets side by side, it seems as though that third wave feminism's true intentions are to place women above men, rather than place them as equals.

Oh yeah, women that cheat on their husband/significant other who is serving on active duty in the armed forces, of any nation, should be deported to the Middle East so they can experience how it really feels to be treated like trash. I’m not quite sure where that belongs in this dispatch, but I’ll just leave it here because it needs to be said. This is the same for men who do that to the few women in the armed forces, they should be castrated. If you can’t respect and honor your commitment to the person fighting for your precious rights and lifestyle, then you don’t deserve to have those things in the first place.

Socialism, Communism, and Anarchism

Many of you who know me already understand that I absolutely despise communism and anarchism, and for those who do not, rest assured that I really, really hate communism and anarchism. I won't spend too much time on these, as we are focusing on the social and cultural ideologies these foes are promoting, not the economic ideals. The basic ideas behind these 3 ideologies differ between them, but all 3 are the biggest and most prominent choices among the modern left. Anarchism is the odd one out of the group, as communism and socialism are more akin to economic and societal policies, while anarchism is a largely only a political ideology, riddled with absurd levels of liberalism.

Socialism is more or less a watered-down version of communism. In this instance, we are referring to the type of socialism utilized in modern nations such as Venezuela; not the type of socialism referenced in communism, we'll get to that very soon. This is the socialism that "politicians" like Bernie Sanders would love to see implemented, and it has a few main tenets; the idea of a state planned economy over a private industry fueled one, the concept of the state being in total control and management of services like healthcare and education, and the idea of giving environmental regulations precedence over all industry and all economic activity. There is a little more to this kind of leftism than the aforementioned ideals, but those are the main concepts. All of us bear witness to the complete and absolute dumpster fire that is Venezuela, where socialism has rendered an entire country nearly destroyed. The real economic growth rate between Venezuela and its next-door neighbor is startlingly skewed in Columbia's favor, at a 1.8% to a -14% rate. The Venezuelan currency is in hyperinflation in nearly unprecedented levels, reaching 53,798,500%. All of this is because the United Socialist Party came into power thanks to the lies of Hugo Chavez in his election campaign. At first, it seemed to be working. Taxes were raised on the rich and the corporations and fed to the lower classes, and celebrities praised it as a "socialist success". However, after the rich and the corporations fled the country, everything started to nose dive; because when you tax away all of the wealth the upper class has, it will eventually run out. It ran out when the people of the nation began Linklining up in the streets for toilet paper from the national guard.

If socialism was not bad enough, it gets even worse with communism. Along with the aforementioned symptoms of socialism, a nation can also get a follow-up disease known as communism. Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and eventually resulting in a society where all property is publicly owned, free trade is exterminated, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. On paper, this idea works, but in reality, we have all seen what happened in the Soviet Union, or in China, or in Vietnam, or North Korea; tens to hundreds of millions are starved and murdered, and the nation is thrown into turmoil. Today, almost all of the communist nations have died out, with very few true communists remaining standing. China is not really communist anymore, it technically is still red, but it is mutated and disfigured into something I can't quite describe as anything except "red in name but capitalist in nature". (Read more about China here) Sure, North Korea is still a communist nation, but it's more significantly a psychotic dictatorship, and the dictator in question kills off the people before communism even gets the chance.

A big talking point for the leftist political narrative is how amazing the universal healthcare and universal college education systems are. This is all fake news, and it's no surprise. LinkAs stated here, "Taxes can also be a key differentiator for the two countries. Canada has a higher average practical tax rate than the United States at 28%. Business Insider reports that, after taxes Canadians bring home is roughly $35,500 annually on average. In the United States, the practical tax rate is lower at 18%". These taxes go to funding the universal social and educational systems in place in a supposed socialist paradise, but this is, once again, only beneficial on paper; it all falls apart in practice. LinkHere is one of many sources that expose the true nature of the socialist system failing miserably, such as in the aforementioned Canada. In short, it always ends up in absurd waiting times for medical procedures/appointments, incredibly high taxes, and an overall overworked and inept healthcare/education system. The current model of universal healthcare as proposed by leftists and socialists of today fails to live up to its bold claims of providing effective healthcare for all.

With those two out of the way, now we get to anarchism. Anarchism is, like the term suggests, pure anarchy. At its core, it calls for little government to no government at all, and the people are almost free to do whatever they please. Obviously, this raises red flags left and right, because the entire purpose of a nation is to maintain law and order, which prevents the degradation of society. Many anarchists don't prefer total anarchy, instead, they see the government as nothing more than the defender of the people from outside threats and aggressors, and a select few other responsibilities.

All 3 of these ideologies are equally dangerous to society, and all 3 have failed to be implemented successfully in the real world. There is no real reason for me to go in depth here, as many others have already provided highly detailed manifestos and summaries regarding them. If you are interested in learned and reading more about them, for whatever reason, there is plenty of material out there for you to enjoy, I recommend reading something Link like this, which is from the time frame that socialism emerged, so you can't go wrong here.

Gender Benders

Gender benders are a peculiar group of individuals, who rarely make any sense to a logical thinker. At their core, they claim that gender and sex is something that has a lot of new properties, including; You can change your gender at any time and in any way for any reason, you can make up any new gender and say you are that gender without being questioned, just because you have the biological and physical traits of one gender doesn't mean you are that gender, and as a general rule of thumb you can do anything you want regarding gender with no questions asked. This is obviously completely against everything biology and human anatomy have taught us, and it is blatantly wrong for a number of reasons. First and foremost is the fact that you cannot change your sexual identity, even if you get a hormone and sex change, you're still a man or you’re still a woman. You are born with what you get, and you don't throw a fit. Secondly, there are no other genders besides the male and female ones, as this would obviously defy millions of years of evolution and biology. They may try to argue that “gender is a social construct, while sex is the biological designation for male and female body types”, this again makes no sense, because gender is biological as well, your sex determines how your brain thinks and how your hormones are produced in regards to sexual circumstances and relationships, so there can’t be a meaningful difference between sex and “gender”. If there really were more than 2 genders, there would be more than just 2 types of reproductive organs to accommodate for this.

The sad reality is that political correctness and monetary pressure on the scientific community and politicians continues to force them into an ever-shrinking corner, in which they must continue to concede facts to myths time and time again. The once revered elementary school science class icon, Bill Nye, has even succumbed to this terrible fate. Along with feminists and leftists, these gender benders congregate in colleges and universities across America, and this issue has spread to Europe as well. "Safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" are plastered everywhere in order to shield these fact-deniers from those who are willing to confront them with the truth and evidence. Anybody who disagrees with this new attention-seeking behavior is branded as a Nazi, racist, homophobe, transphobic, or being afflicted with some other type of phobia.

The Homosexuality Acceptance Movement

This topic is an even more controversial debate between conservatives and liberals in the United States. Some of the states in the union permit same-sex marriage, and others do not. It is a widely debated issue, with all sides of the argument having their own 2 cents to put in. Ever since the late 1970's, the homosexual movement has been pushing for acceptance, and today they continue to campaign for "equality", even though they already have it for the most part.

What seriously annoys many people, including myself, is when these activists intrude on an individual's right to practice their religion, or to abstain from things they do not agree with, Link such as instances like this, where a private enterprise is harassed and taken to court over their right to choose not to serve somebody who asking them to go against their conscious and values. Or in instances where a Christian church is shamed for not hosting a same-sex marriage when homosexuality is explicitly prohibited by their sacred texts. These activists pass obvious boundaries and attempt to infringe on the constitutional rights of others while claiming their rights are being infringed upon. Hypocrisy is a dangerous drug.

On homosexuality itself, it is wrong and immoral from both a religious standpoint and a secular standpoint. All 3 Abrahamic religions stand vehemently opposed to homosexuality, so there is absolutely no excuse for it under a religious lens. From a secular view, it promotes sodomy, the trivialization of sex, and it goes against the natural order of reproduction and human companionship. A same-sex couple cannot reproduce, and they only stand to promote sodomy and sexual trivialization, another subject which is heavily opposed by all 3 Abrahamic religions. Some opponents of the disapproval of homosexuality by religion would argue that during the times of these religious texts being written, back in the very early days, the concept of homosexuality did not exist because the concept of heterosexual marriage and the societal norms around it did not exist, and therefore, homosexuality wouldn't have been something which would have become reprehensible by religions in the first place. These people often state that it was some unidentified bigot who changed the early copies of the religious text. The problem with this argument is that they fail to realize that God, in all 3 abrahamic religions, is all knowing and knows of everything before it happens, and would therefore know about homosexuality to tell His disciples to avoid it. He was the one to originally tell his followers to avoid this sinful act, it was not some random person who had an unfounded hatred against homosexuals.

Even though the gay movement has obtained almost all the equality they wanted, they continue to campaign against the perceived inequality that does not exist, and continue to participate in intersectionality, in which they link up with others in order to bolster their numbers and congregate their causes. Often times, they claim that simply because someone disagrees with them on the basis of their religious views, they are subsequently being discriminatory bigots, which makes no sense, because it's literally a part of their religion.

Affirmative Action and Identity Politics

The next ideology on our list is identity politics and affirmative action, among the worst on the list. The basic idea of affirmative action is that not enough minorities are enrolled in college or workplace campuses, and therefore, specific enrollment quotas are thereby necessary in order to equalize the situation. This notion is extremely disturbing, as any knowledgeable and reasonable person can comprehend that a minority, by definition, has less people in its ranks than a majority does, so there is a completely logical explanation for the fact that there are far less minorities on campus than there majorities, which is simply because there is a bigger population pool for the majority group to pull from. If we take an equal group of 100 people out of the US population, fully adhering to the July 2016 race percentages, the question is answered. For argument's sake, let's say that out of every 10 people, 1 gifted individual is found. The number of gifted individuals being white are about 7.5, black is about 1.2, and about a 1 to nothing for all other combined categories. As you can clearly see by our little experiment, the sheer size of the white population compared to minorities results in significantly more acceptable candidates for the campus in question compared to the smaller minority groups. Identity politics is a strange and confusing place.

Intersectionality and racial politics results in a Hobbesian nightmare of identity groups warring for power. There is a weird idea floating around this ideology in which the individual is not defined by his or her achievements, character, or personality, but by his or her race, identity, preferences, and other classifications. This completely unfounded mess is well explained by LinkBen Shapiro on PragerU's Youtube channel, who makes short work of this literal nonsense. And, no, I do not fully endorse PragerU or Ben Shapiro, but it is quite amusing to watch them dominate leftists in debates.

In a more specific area of identity politics, there is a couple of myths surrounding white to black racism, "police brutality", and cultural differences. The left would claim these 3 principles regarding white to black racism, which is; white police officers exercise unnecessary force against black suspects, black people are subjected to unfair standards and pay on the basis of race, and gun violence lies.

The first claim is actually partially correct, because when police officers are on patrol in "the hood", they always have to be weary of somebody "popping a cap" up their you know what. The primary flaw with the argument that police officers use disproportionate force against black suspects is this; yes, they do use extra force often times, but not for the reason you claim. Looking at the Link murder rates by race, we can see that the African-American murder rate is 4 times higher than it should be. There is also the issue that despite the total number of arrested white individuals outnumbering black individuals by nearly 4 million, the amount of those black individuals arrested for murder is nearly 1,000 arrests higher than whites. Let these statistics soak in for just a moment; despite being outnumbered by a factor of 3 in total arrest numbers, black offenders still account for more murders than white offenders. The reason for this is quite obvious, and that is cultural differences and lifestyle differences. Therefore, why is a police officer not permitted to take extra precautions when they are apprehending black offenders? This type of logic is like saying you should not be weary of sharks just because they tend to snack on beach-goers. The other claims fall into line with the aforementioned first one because it all revolves around lifestyle differences between the races, and the left can't seem to grasp that even though the races are equal, that doesn't make them the same.

The counter-argument to this is that systematic racism and targeting by the government and the employers is to blame for this. This is a completely laughable excuse, as you can take a deeper look and see that families living in areas riddled with problems like drugs, drop-outs, run-away fathers, gang violence, murder, and robbery, or experiencing the problems themselves, tend to function worse than normal families all around. It isn't anybody else's fault; your culture, or the culture of your fellow race members if you choose to avoid it yourself, disadvantages you in several fields. If you and the BLM movement want to make a change, then a good start would be to take action in impoverished and troubled black communities, like "the hood", rather than screaming racism every time an unarmed black man is shot by a white police officer; this happens in vice versa too, you know. LinkIn this instance, two black officers killed a 6 year old child with autism and seriously injured the father. The officers even tried to make excuses and claim that the driver tried to ram their cruisers, but a third officer recorded the incident on his body cam, clearly disproving these falsehoods.

The Black Lives Matter movement has recently shown its true colors in the aftermath of the George Floyd shooting. "Protestors" took advantage of a tragedy to riot, loot, and vandalize anything they could get their hands on. Read here for more information about that. LinkHere is good video that explains the true nature and purpose of BLM. The Black Lives Matter movement is nothing more than a political tool to keep black Americans enraged over lies, in order to keep them voting for the Democratic Party. The media pushes the narrative, as usual, in order to twist the facts to keep people believing the lies.

There is even more identity politics nonsense to cover, as now we move on to illegal immigration, another subcategory of the perceived but nonexistent racism that the left constantly references. Last year, a literal invasion of the southern American border occurred when a caravan of immigrants tried to storm the border, no exaggeration. This caravan of immigrants attempted to breach the border instead of going through customs and security. Upon throwing rocks and physically altercating with border guards, the guards resorted to tear gas to force back the attackers. At this point, the left attempts to victimize the caravan by showing pictures of children in the mob as they try to breach the border. This is the first and most significant flaw with leftist arguing, as they say, "think of the children, you can't just spray children with tear gas!" Well, you should blame the parents who brought their kids to an area where they already knew they would be experiencing such circumstances, as the border patrol and the U.S. government stated that they would not allow them to illegally cross the border. The parents brought their kids along as attempted shields, incorrectly thinking that the patrolmen would not force them back because of the presence of said children. The left also makes an argument that we are supposed to be the sanctuary for all, and that we should accept everyone. To this argument, I remind that I am not against immigration, but we cannot take in everybody, so we have to limit how many we take in per year, and there must be rules and regulations to immigration in order to keep things under control.

The USA is not the only one dealing with these problems. In Europe, loads and loads of refugees are swarming across the borders into the West. Upon entering the west, these refugees refuse to assimilate, refuse to contribute to society, and bring their cultural violence with them. One country in particular that has been hit hard by this wave of violence is Sweden. I would refer you to LinkThe Angry Foreigner on YouTube, a Swede who does a fantastic job of explaining the situation in the country. In a nutshell, the country is dealing with a government obsessed with radical leftism and political correctness, which have resulted in the housing market and medical field being swamped and overcrowded due to the absurd influx of refugees, as well as an increase in violence due to these refugees bringing their cultural violence with them instead of assimilating. LinkSweden is becoming a prime target for Islamic State recruits, and violent crime related with that is on the rise as well. LinkAlong with Angry Foreigner, visit this site as well to get some more information on the dramatic increase in sexual violence, and you can all thank the politically correct "feminist" government of Sweden for allowing all of this to go on. The Swedish government loves to parade about their campaigning to "protect women" and whatnot, but they are to afraid to be branded as Islamophobes or racists if they actually try to protect those women. They claim to protect the nation's women, and then they turn around and let them get raped by violent refugees who care nothing for the culture and nation in which they have migrated to. If you still don't believe the facts being laid out before your very eyes, Linktake a look at this site, of which I quote; "In 2017, 58% among those suspected for crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder and manslaughter, the corresponsing figures are 73%. These figures are interesting out of purely scientific reasons. Due to migration, murder rate in Sweden has quadrupled."

The left extends this nonsensical behavior to the sitting president, Donald Trump, by calling him racist due to his actions against terrorism and crime. While I am not 100% pro-Trump, his actions in immigration have been favorable, as his goals are to prevent illegal immigration and restore order on our border regions. The left and democrats continue to embark on witch hunts against the president, one of which is the "racism" nonsense, in which they claim that the president is racist for barring certain nations' citizens from immigrating to the nation due to terrorism fears. There is nothing wrong with doing this; just as a nation would bar immigration from a nation that is being overrun by a plague, you would also take this course of action in this case as well.


Abortion is one of the easiest ones for me to pick apart and destroy. Of course, under normal circumstances, an individual has rights to their own body and how to express and display it. However, when you cross over into another affecting individual's well-being and life, and in this case, you certainly do affect it by killing it, it is not your right to tamper with it. The fetus of an unborn baby also has rights, and by aborting the pregnancy you are snuffing out a life. A woman's right to choose concerning her body ends when it affects the life of another. The counter-argument may claim that the fetus before a certain time is not alive, and it is just a bundle of cells, incapable of consciousness; in response to this; aren't all humans just a bundle of cells? Aren't we all just a jumble of tissues and organs? It is against the law and unacceptable to murder your neighbor, so it is also unacceptable to murder somebody who didn't ask to be born and is currently residing in your womb.

Fake News

Yes, the fake news that Donald Trump preaches about on a daily basis is actually real. No, no, don't click off, I'm being serious and I'll show you why. LinkThis news article concerning this COVID-19 outbreak currently ongoing as of 2019-2020, mentioned that there are over 100,000 cases worldwide. This is technically true, but the article fails to mention that 66,000 of those infected individuals have since recovered and are no longer dangerous. Regardless of whether this was overlooked or intentionally excluded from the article, it demonstrates the absurd level of miscommunication and the recklessness of modern news media. Furthermore, many other articles often say that most of the infected are in China, but this is also a false assessment. If we look Linkhere, this live map shows the progress of the outbreak as you read this sentence. By switching to the "active cases" map mode, and/or clicking on "Mainland China" in the Country/Region panel, it shows that not only is this claim false, it is opposite to the truth. COVID-19 is no longer mainly in China, because as of 3/10/20, more than 60,000 of the 80,000 infected individuals have recovered, leaving less than 20,000 cases active in China. In contrast, the rest of the world has more than 40,000 active cases with less than 5,000 recovered individuals. While China still does lead as an individual nation in total active cases, they are en route to being surpassed by the new cesspools of infectivity; Iran, Italy, and South Korea, and they are outnumbered by a rate of over 2 to 1 by the combined outside world in terms of infected individuals.

This small detour into the COVID-19 outbreak is a grim reminder of how irresponsible and inept the modern news media is. In the 2016 US Presidential Election, fake news was rampant on both Republican biased and Democrat biased news agencies, which was when the fake news craze was brought into the mainstream light by then Republican candidate Donald Trump. This trend of misinformation and exaggeration is extremely dangerous to our increasingly internet-reliant world, as the ease of access to information on the internet can lead to an increasingly large portion of the population being misinformed and deceived. For all peoples, fake news should be regarded as one of the biggest threats to our civilization along with the rest of the dangers I have already mentioned.

The Errors of the Republican Counterargument

Now, we finally get to the conservative and Republican attempts at counter-arguments. For the most part, they aren't that bad, but there are several points I need to make here. First and foremost is that capitalism is not a complete upgrade from socialism or communism, there are several talking points on capitalism that gives leftist economics some legitimate ground. However, capitalism is the lesser evil of socialism and communism in general.

Another thing that must be mentioned is that; yes, racists and people with phobias do exist, but that doesn't mean that all republicans, conservatives, or right-wingers are also of that category. There are definitely issues with alt-right and racist groups like the Klu Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, and others. The aforementioned should be thrown in jail along with the communists and abortion doctors. The issue overall with the counter attack provided by rightists and Republicans against the leftist army is the fact their ideology also has issues, albeit not as much, but they still have issues. Capitalism and conservatism also have their downsides, including corruption, more noticeable lower classes, exploitation of the defenseless at times, and more. The key is to recognize that the two-party system and the two-sided political spectrum are flawed and misrepresentative, and that political ideology and standpoint is not on a spectrum, but it is an infinitely variable choice, and not everybody is the same.

Another error that is obvious is the lack of sympathy and compassion towards the less fortunate. Of course, we cannot concede everything to the left, but it is not unreasonable to instate some limited tax bias against the wealthy, and allocate the new income to welfare services. We aren't talking about millions more in taxes, but it is enough to boost welfare and help the needy. In exchange, we must also institute measures to prevent the abuse of these new funds.
The counter-arguments provided by the right shares much in common with mine, both have similar views on abortion, homosexuality, and more. However, I cannot call my self a rightist or Republican because I do not fully agree with them either.

The Solution to the Leftist Question

Throughout my life as an American citizen, I have been appalled by the backwards thinking and uncivil actions taken by the left. Many times, when approached for a civil debate or discussion, their actions degrade into yelling, chanting, and name calling. They are blissfully aware and ignorant of the faults in their own ideologies that they refuse to acknowledge any argument to mention those faults. It is essentially like arguing with a brick wall when it comes to arguing with a leftist, especially the gender benders and 3rd wave feminists.

Time and time again, the leftists continue to inch forward with their agenda. First it was homosexual rights, and the conservatives of the time said that this was all they would allow, and then the next generation of conservatives did the same thing with transsexuals, and then again with gender benders, and now identity politics, 3rd wave feminism, and the rest of their armies. It is clear to any and all logical and knowledgeable people that negotiations and debate with these heathens is out of the question. Therefore, we, as a civilized force, are required to take action now if we wish to halt the advance of this evil. There are only two options here; massive and sweeping political change, or straight-up violence. I do not call for violence against anybody, but I recognize that only through a massive political rebalancing of the nation, or a full-blown conflict or uprising, will there be a surefire destruction of the leftist advancement in our society. Without either of these two events, the leftist activists and extremists of today will become the oppressors and rulers of tomorrow, after they whittle us away and eventually force our children and their children into submission. Our children will grow up in a society riddled with injustice, where they cannot use the restroom without fearing a pervert may be lurking, where they cannot speak their minds without being called Nazis, where they cannot walk across the street without "checking their privilege", and where they cannot become wealthy without having it stolen by the government and given to leeches. Day by day, more and more leftist news agencies and keyboard warriors produce nonsense "debunking" videos and fake news to attempt to discredit the facts and truths which have been laid out before you herein. For the sake of society and the future of our nation and people, the leftists and must be stopped. Tell me, do you want your daughter to be gang raped by refugees who refuse to assimilate and treat your culture like garbage? Tell me, do you want your son or daughter to walk into a bathroom where they must do their natural bodily processes next to a pervert who uses the gender bender policies to get into the opposite bathrooms? Tell me, do you want to have all of your money which you have worked hard and faithfully for to be stolen and distributed to those who refuse to work and only wish for government support? TELL ME, are you one to SIT BY while the waves of the left and Cultural Marxists destroy YOUR culture, tell you that you may not practice YOUR religion, and tell you how YOU are supposed to behave in order to avoid OFFENDING the same people who are WRONGING you?! Opposition to these menaces, of all political ideologies and all races, must unite to thwart and destroy it immediately. He who stands by today as his compatriots are outnumbered and attacked by evil is no better than those evils, which will, inevitably, come for HIS values tomorrow after destroying those who already stood against them yesterday, at which point he shall wonder; "Why am I alone in this fight?". The fantasy novel of Marx and the notions of the modern leftists deserve to be decimated and confined to the bust bin of history, WHERE THEY BELONG!

Sources (This isn't all of them)

LinkHuffington Post on Wage Gap Statistics
Integralist Canada's Feminism Dispatch
LinkVenezuela vs. Columbia at
Link Venezuela's crippling inflation on Wikipedia
Link Wikipedia with US race statistics
Link Ben Shapiro on PragerU
Link FBI Arrest Statistics
Link Homicide Rate for African-Americans at ACSH
LinkInfo on Feminist Myths
LinkAfrican American Officers Murder 6 Year Old White Child
LinkUSAToday on SCOTUS Gay Wedding Ruling
LinkSweden Crime Statistics Regarding Immigration
LinkThe Migrant Rape Crisis (Do check out the bibliography on this site, it has some great videos and sources if you are interested)
LinkBLM is a Leftist Lie | Conservative Twins
Link What Happens When Abused Men Call Domestic Violence Hotlines And Shelters?
LinkSuicide Rate Statistics at the ASFP

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Regions of the Assembly of Regions

by Assembly of regions archives office

Member Regions













Union of Democrats



Novus Lucidum



Melayu Archipelago



New Reich of Bunicken



The Monarchy Alliance






The Moonlight Battle Born






Associate Regions





Eastfield founder


Candidate Regions




The South India



Upkeep provided by the Assembly of Regions Government
Unterhalt durch die Regierung der Versammlung der Regionen
Last Updated: 11 June, 2020
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7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World

By: John Hawkins

Even liberals who've accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common sense and instinctually suicidal that America can only survive over the long haul by thwarting the liberal agenda. In fact, liberalism has become such a toxic and poisonous philosophy that most liberals wouldn't behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy the country. So, how does liberalism cause well-meaning, intelligent liberals to get this way? Well, it starts with...

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals.

3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default.

5) Liberals tend to view people as parts of groups, not individuals. One of the prejudices of liberalism is that they see everyone as part of a group, not as an individual. This can lead to rather bizarre disparities when say, a man from a group that they consider to be powerless, impoverished victims becomes the leader of the free world and he's challenged by a group of lower middle class white people who've banded together because individually they're powerless. If you listen to the liberal rhetoric, you might think Barack Obama was a black Republican being surrounded by a KKK lynching party 100 years ago, as opposed to the single most powerful man in America abusing the authority of his office to attack ordinary Tea Partiers who have the audacity to speak the truth to power for the good of their country.

6) Liberals take a dim view of personal responsibility. Who's at fault if a criminal commits a crime? The criminal or society? If someone creates a business and becomes a millionaire, is that the result of hard work and talent or luck? If you're dirt poor, starving, and haven't worked in 5 years, is that a personal failing or a failure of the state? Conservatives would tend to say the former in each case, while liberals would tend to say the latter. But when you disconnect what an individual does from the results that happen in his life, it's very difficult to understand cause and effect in people's lives.

7) Liberals give themselves far too much credit just for being liberal. To many liberals, all one needs to do to be wise, intelligent, compassionate, open minded, and sensitive is to BE LIBERAL. In other words, many of the good things about a person spring not from his actions, but from the ideology he holds. This has an obvious appeal. You can be a diehard misogynist, but plausibly call yourself a feminist, hate blacks, but accuse others of racism, have a subpar IQ and be an intellectual, give nothing to charity and be compassionate, etc., etc., and all you have to do is call yourself a liberal. It's a shortcut to virtue much like the corrupt old idea of religious indulgences. Why live a life of virtue when you could live a sinful life and buy your way into heaven? If you're a liberal, why actually live a life of virtue when you can merely call yourself a liberal and get credit for being virtuous, even when you've done nothing to earn it?

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Communism Is Evil: Beware The Red Menace

“Why do you think people defected from the Soviet Union back in the day, under the threat of imprisonment and death? Why do you think people are still risking their lives to swim out of Cuba? Just for fun? Why do you think every communist state was born in violence and held together by fear and isolation? If this is such a wonderful ideology that makes everything better for everyone, why is it that the only way for it to succeed is to force itself down people's throats?”
- Former Citizen Of The Soviet Union

Communism is but a form of slavery, controlling the masses under its tactics of fear. In all of history, those that used the principles of communism have showed nothing but pure tyranny and death of many people. Communism also abolishes religion as the government believes themselves as a “God”. Materialism becomes a big philosophy within Communism. This philosophy is dangerous and flawed. The teachings are as such, man is a electrochemical machine and nothing more. There is no soul, no spirit. Nothing but all things physical, down to just matter. So if this is one of the main philosophies of communism, why live? If there is no purpose in life, what will make a difference if you live or die? There is no hope for the better, no afterlife to strive for so my existence is but a stone on land. That’s communism for you.

Adding, in a Communist State, no matter how hard you work, all is paid and given equal effort. So say Bob and John go out to work. Bob goes out to help build a new statue for the government leader while John just sits around. After the day is over, everyone gets their pay. All equally no matter the effort put in. Same goes for a test, most get an A but one or two get an F, that gets rounded off for a equal grade of about a C. So basically no matter how hard you work, all gets equal credit. There is no purpose in a Communist State as no matter the effort put in for success it equals out for those that are sitting at home, unemployed. This results in the reduced incentives to work hard.

Communism is wrong, an evil ideology that only wants power and will do anything to achieve such. Will hurt it’s lower class, will destroy nations/regions and use the forces of hate and fear as its supply. There is no purpose in a Communist state, only destruction.

Antifa and Its Allies:

Antifa is an organization of radical principles, claiming to be “Anti-Fascist” and helping make society safer from hate as they claim. Though as shown in past and recent events, Antifa is a dangerous organization only spreading hate which goes against what they are fighting for. They use physical violence to hurt anyone who believes in conservative principles. They are extremists, antichrists only spreading their Communist beliefs while hurting anyone that doesn’t believe what they do. Antifa is just another weapon of Communism, they must be silenced to restore a safe environment so unity can be made for the better.

Beware of Antifa and their allies, organizations of hate and destruction.

To Join The Fight Against These Dangersome Communists, telegram Imperial macedonia Of The Black Sun or any Fascist/Anti-Communist region.

Let’s bring back order within NationStates!


Don’t Become A Drone In Their System.

Read dispatch

Update. Follow-up dispatch below.

Left-wing bias
NationStates, along with most media right now is suffering from overwhelming left-wing bias. Libertarian views are called far-right because the left is so ridiculously off the scale. The World Assembly votes down every General Assembly proposal made by a non-left member. We all know this is true. Just look at the passed resolutions. The Assembly is looking to, by force, turn dissidents into their own by passing badly designed, lackluster proposals full of loopholes. The best example of this is Imperium Anglorum’s resolution #454, consisting of a single sentence. (page=WA_past_resolution/id=454/council=1)
Why was it even passed in the first place? Voting blocks, about which I will speak in another point. Another good example of this is Antifa, an IRL terrorist organization that focuses on striking people they deem as fascists, that is, people who disagree with them. What is funny is that some people consider them to be a positive force. Antifa is a far left anarcho-communist violent terror group, and their NS counterpart is not any better.

The old-timers in the game have zero respect for newcomers and treat them as inferior. I have experienced this firsthand. Those individuals are founders, or are part of the government of major regions or region clusters. They know everyone and everyone knows them. This ties into the next point.

Voting blocks in the WA
Have you noticed that within the few first hours of a vote, the vote is often majorly tilted to one side? This is not because of the content of the proposal. People simply don't care about that. When voting, they follow the WA delegate of the region they reside in rather than judging the resolution on their own. Regions, on the other hand, form voting blocks. Voting blocks are coalitions of people that negotiate to vote for each other’s proposals to earn badges and commendations. Sometimes major voting blocks have different voting policies and they vote against each other. When that happens the votes look tied or only slightly tilted to one side. Of course, the vote later tends to go toward the middle because of independent voters. Resolutions are not written to improve anything. They are meant to be lazily manufactured en masse to farm badges or further push the WA to the left.

Abysmal forums (flamebaiting)
This is simple really. Newcomers to the forums that engage in conversations get baited by the troll to enter a discussion, their opponent refuses to acknowledge anything they say, the newbie gets angry and makes a mistake, then the troll files a moderator report. We know how this ends. There are other things too, but I would rather not talk about the forums anymore since they’re a cesspool.

People and their hunger for power
This is how coalitions and mergers happen. One power-hungry individual contacts another suggesting a merger, people move in, people burn out, region collapses, rinse and repeat. Most merger regions are incompatible that is why they often collapse. There are exceptions to this. Merger regions are a machine that converts members into energy, once they run out, they’re dead, so they have to keep moving and preying.

Vote farming
Most probably the biggest problem of the current implementation of the WA in Nationstates.
Newbies often join the bigger regions which results in them getting pulled in to the illusion of “a perfect region” which is just that - an illusion. The only thing they are good for is their vote in the Assembly. Those kinds of regions often have mandatory WA membership.

Feeder regions
The follow-up: page=dispatch/id=1197835
Read dispatch

EDIT: Another reply, this time crazy communist edition.
This is the follow-up to my previous Bulletin concerning the Problems of NationStates.
Let me start by saying that I did not expect much response, let alone making it on the #2 spot on the Dispatches page. I've decided to expand on it.

Solving the problems
Let's get this out right away - this won't be easy. Here are some things you could do yourself to fight against the bad and for the good.
1. Spread the word
Many of you are doing this, pinning the dispatch on the Reginal Page, posting it on the RMB, sending it to others. This all helps. Awareness will provoke a reaction.
2. Keep your mind open, question everything, be aware
Actively seek out information on the topic. Most problems on the list could have been avoided at the very start if everyone knew how the elite operates. Question this dispatch. I could be wrong about something here and I probably am. Send me telegrams, discuss this with others. Being mistaken is not wrong - refusing to change your mind when the evidence against a thesis is presented, on the other hand, is.
3. Keep Calm
Insulting people is counterproductive. So is panic. If someone intentionally baits you to be angry, go on a walk and cool your head. Anger is a sign of weakness and lack of power.
You are in power.
4. Boycott the NS forums and make your own alternatives
Don't trust the mods and their judgment? They have no power over means of contact outside NS. Use discord, make your own forums, sites and so on (just look how nice this forum page of Enadia is (there was a link here but its dead)). You could even use blogs and their comment system for this purpose. Absolutely everyone can do it. There are many templates just waiting to be used.
5. Be content with what you have
This is mainly aimed at founders and WA delegates of regions. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Mergers are mostly destructive. Many people feel alienated and uncomfortable after them. ALWAYS ask your region-mates what they think about alliances/mergers, joining organizations and so on. Measure your approval. No one wants a tyrant for their delegate.
6. Investigate before associating
If something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Before moving somewhere (or trying to be buddy-buddy with a region), talk to the people there. Read their dispatches. Look at the attitude of the founder. If he's arrogant and exuding an aura of "I'm better than you" (not to be mistaken for charisma) then he most definitely is a bad person. I won't be pointing at people here but if you look for an "alliance" of several regions named after a person, named after a certain month of the year, you will most probably find a landmine. Look at their WA proposals. Are they mostly commendations? Red flag. Are they a raider region? Why are they raiding then? To silence people that have different opinions/raiding people by association with someone they don't like? Antifa? Massive red flag. Raiding for the thrill/trophy regions? If you're into that, go for it.
More points to be added.

Replying to replies
"As a response to your dispatch, I'd like to offer my perspective as a trans woman, leftist, WA Delegate, and arguably a member of the hegemony.
NationStates is not leftist. Believe me, if it were, I'd be a lot happier. We leftists are concentrated because leftism is a popular ideology.

That being said, as a trans woman, NationStates is a place where I do feel safe and loved. That means the world to me while I live in a place that is actively hostile. I'm proud to be on a site like that. If by left-leaning, you mean that NS supports people like me, then yeah, it is. And that's cool because NS was where I came out for the first time." - Anonymous

Let me start by saying that you have an extraordinary view on things. Being gender dysphoric is like painting a target on your back for people who are afraid of you/just plain d*cks. I on the other hand, am an completely average user of NS. I don't get insulted for those things. This is why our mileage varies. And yes, left-bias exists. You didn't experience it because you are currently in a group of people who are nice to you and like-minded. And that's completely fine, the objective of games is to be happy playing them. People on the right face discrimination too. I have been called a fascist quite a few times.
Meanwhile, I have to put up with this:
and this
and that
and many more things. This is just anti-white racism on twitter. It exists. And it's spreading. The bias cannot be denied.
Leftism is not very popular. It's just very vocal and influential. Proof? LinkTrump got elected to president.

I forgot to mention, but if Antifa is not far left and not communist and actually fighting extremism (censorship is always wrong by the way), why did they not raid any communist regions? Communism killed WAY more people than fascism. Shouldn't communism be equally as bad as fascism and nazism (national-SOCIALISM) Linkif not even more so?
Read dispatch


by Antico of raxus

Read factbook


by Antico of raxus

Read factbook

Dates of Rank

Private - August 18, 2011
Private First Class - September 9, 2011
Corporal - January 15, 2012
Sergeant - January 22, 2012
Lieutenant - February 6, 2012
Captain - April 7, 2012
Major - May 15, 2012
Colonel - June 10, 2012
General - July 7, 2012
Marshal - July 7, 2013

Chief of The General Staff - August 26, 2013 - Present

Awards and Decorations

March 30, 2012 - Awarded with Iron Cross First Class for outstanding service

May 14, 2012 - Awarded with Pour Le Merite for achievement in the field of raiding

June 16, 2012 - Awarded with The Knights Iron Cross for extreme dedication to The Black Riders.

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These BBCode-like tags can be used in Dispatches, Telegrams, Regional Message Board (RMB) posts, Regional World Factbook Entries (WFEs), and World Assembly proposals. Not all tags are valid for all message types: see below.

Bold, Italic, Underline
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: b, i, u

I [b]really[/b] like text that [i]makes a point[/i], you [u]know[/u]?
I really like text that makes a point, you know?

Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: strike, sub, sup

I [strike]like[/strike] [sub]love[/sub] love [sup]love[/sup] this region!
I like love love love this region!

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: nation
Shortcut: @
Options: long, noflag, noname

I am [nation]Testlandia[/nation]. Or, to use my full name, [nation=long]Testlandia[/nation]. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me [nation=noflag]Testlandia[/nation] or [nation=long+noflag]Testlandia[/nation]. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: [nation=noname]Testlandia[/nation]
I am Testlandia. Or, to use my full name, The Hive Mind of Testlandia. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me Testlandia or The Hive Mind of Testlandia. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: Testlandia

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a nation name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: region
Shortcut: @

[region]The Pacific[/region] was the very first region in the world.
The Pacific was the very first region in the world.

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a region name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

World Assembly Proposal
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: proposal
Option: proposal ID

Please support [proposal=separatist_peoples_1416233457]my proposal[/proposal]!
Please support my proposal!

World Assembly Resolution
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: resolution
Option: council ID (GA, SC, or UN)#resolution ID

The foundation of modern WA legislation is [resolution=GA#2]the Rights and Duties law[/resolution].
The foundation of modern WA legislation is the Rights and Duties law.

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: spoiler
Options: text to display on button


[spoiler=Try this one, too!]Boo!![/spoiler]

Valid for links: Everywhere
Valid for other sites: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: url
Options: URL

Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is [url=]Max Barry[/url]?
Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is LinkMax Barry?

A lot of people live in [url=]the forums[/url]!
A lot of people live in the forums!

You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this:
You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this: page=faq.

But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know [url=]this link leads to the FAQ[/url].
But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know this link leads to the FAQ.

Valid: Everywhere
Tags: list, *
Options: 1, a, i, A, I

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

[list=1][*]A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:
[list=i][*]"1" is 1, 2, 3...
[*]"i" is i, ii, iii...
[*]"a" is a, b, c...[/list]
[*]And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...[/list]
  1. A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:

    1. "1" is 1, 2, 3...

    2. "i" is i, ii, iii...

    3. "a" is a, b, c...

  2. And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...

Unformatted text
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: pre

[pre]You bold like [b]this[/b]![/pre]

You bold like [b]this[/b]!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: size

Sometimes you want [size=150]big text[/size] but other times only [size=90]small text[/size] will do.
Sometimes you want big text, but other times only small text will do.

Valid: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: color
Alternative name: colour
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

I [color=red]love[/color] a little [colour=#FF9900]color[/colour].
I love a little color.

Valid: RMBs
Tag: quote
Options: name of author;post ID

[quote=testlandia;4970610]It's an outrage![/quote]
Testlandia wrote:It's an outrage!

Background color
Valid: Dispatches
Tags: background, background-block
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

Backgrounds can be applied to [background=yellow]highlight a few words[/background].
Backgrounds can be applied to highlight a few words.

[background-block=yellow]Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.[/background-block]
Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: font
Options: name of font(s), in order of preference

[font=Courier]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

[font=Times New Roman, Arial, sans]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: align
Alternative names: center, centre
Options: left, right, center, justify

[align=center]Centered text.[/align]
Centered text.

[align=right]Right-justified text.[/align]
Right-justified text.

[centre]This is also centred, especially if you're British.[/centre]
This is also centred, especially if you're British.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: img
Options: view (standout, shadow, border)


You can also set some visual options:

[img view="shadow"][/img]

[img view="standout"][/img]

[img view="standout border shadow"][/img]

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: float
Options: left, right

Images float on either side of this text.

Images float on either side of this text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: box

[box]A pretty box.[/box]
(You're looking at it. Sadly, boxes cannot contain other boxes.)

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: sidebar

[sidebar]Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).[/sidebar]
Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: tab
Option: number of pixels to indent

[tab=100]Some indented text[/tab].
Some indented text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: anchor
Option: name of anchor (no spaces or punctuation!)

[anchor=JUMPHERE][/anchor]Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to [url=#JUMPHERE]my anchor[/url].
Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to my anchor.

Valid: Dispatches
Tags: table, tr (table row), td (table cell)
Options: plain

[table][tr][td]A table's first row looks different[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Second row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Third row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!
See?[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hovering over a row highlights it[/td][td]Not bad, eh?[/td][/tr]

A table's first row looks different

Next cell

Second row

Next cell

Third row

Next cell

Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!


Next cell

Hovering over a row highlights it

Not bad, eh?

[tr][td]Table type:[/td][td]Plain[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Excitement level:[/td][td]Low[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Usefulness for formatting:[/td][td]High[/td][/tr]

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Wanting to expand your NS experience? Well, look no further. Here is a list of sites and tools to add more depth to NationStates.

Though I have tried, this is most likely not an all-inclusive list. If there are any sites or utilities that you believe should be added to the list, or if one of the items listed stops working, please TG me. I always appreciate the help.

NOTE: All of these sites and utilities have been created by third parties and are not affiliated with the NationStates website or myself. While I believe all of them to be safe, you are using them at your own risk.

If you find this dispatch useful, please "up-vote" it.

Auto Telegramming Programs
If you are tired of having to use stamps to send mass telegrams, or you just need help sending large numbers of TGs you may want to try one of these. NOTE: Be sure to follow all mass telegramming and API rules, or you will face the wrath of the Mods.

NationStates AutoTelegram- This is a utility to allow you to send mass telegrams without using NS Stamps. I have used it many times in the past. It has been extremely useful for WA campaigns and mass TGing my region. This is no longer supported, meaning bugs and errors will not be fixed.

pyNSrecruit- This is another auto telegram program. It has a straightforward and easy to use interface, plus it supports use as a recruitment tool.

Agadar's Telegrammer- This is a desktop application that automates sending telegrams, so you don't have to use stamps. It is useful for recruitment, WA campaigning, and region-wide telegramming.

Communiqué 8 Telegram Client- Communiqué is a simple open-source way to send telegrams through the Telegram API. It is built using Java (you will need an up-to-date version of Java), so it will probably run on your home computer.

nstg-web- stg-web is a free and open source web application that allows you to easily send telegrams to a list of NationStates nations. This also has the benefit of being a web app, so you don't have to download anything.

Flag Creators
If making flags in MS Paint is too basic, and Photoshop or GIMP is just too much try one pf these flag creators.

LinkFlagMaker 2.0- FlagMaker is a tool to easily create flags that includes many different flag elements and emblems. You can create a flag with six different base types and then add as many overlays as you like. It even has a random function if you are all out of ideas. (Special thanks to Zambara for finding this.)

LinkFlagMaker Jr.- FlagMaker Jr. is a simplified version of FlagMaker. It is also an online app, so you don't have to download anything. There is a bit of a learning curve and the options are arranged in a way that is not immediately intuitive, but once you get the hang of it, you can create good looking flags.

LinkFake Flag- This is a flag creator app that allows you to mix and match elements from real flags. You can create unique, and interesting flags that also look professional. The only downside is that you can't add art or colors of your own. This is a very good option if you want a realistic flag.

LinkFlag Designer- This is an extremely simple flag making app. Not too many options, but the user interface is very straightforward and easy to use. This is a good way to make decent looking flags quickly. Plus, the flags are made in SVG files, so they scale without pixelating or distorting.

LinkFlag Designer - Tennessine- This is another online flag making app. You start with a real-life flag and then insert different elements into it. There are plenty of options that allow you to make pretty unique flags.

LinkFlag Creator- This flag creator allows you to make flags completely from scratch, rather than using real flags as a base. This app can be a little tricky to use at first, but with a bit of playing around it becomes intuitive. This is a pretty good option if you don't want a flag that looks like every other one.

Name Generators
Having difficulty coming up with names? These name generators will help you come up with as many as you need. These are not strictly for NationStates, but they are site commonly utilized by NS users.

LinkRandom Name Generator- This is a basic name generator that will give a block of names according to the simple parameters you set. This is ideal for generating a list of names for an entire sports team or military unit.

LinkBehind the Name- This name generator allows you to choose the category of the name, and how many names the person has. You definitely want to narrow the options before making a name, or you may get very strange ones.

LinkFake Name Generator- Despite the name, this generator doesn't just give you a name but also gives you a full online profile for the character. Very good if you want details, but don't have the time to make them up yourself.

Nation Stats Calculators
Are graphs and descriptions on your nation's NS page not enough for you? These stats calculators will give you the specific numbers and details about your nation. They are perfectly suited for getting stats for Role Playing.

LinkNSEconomy- This is the stat calculator I personally use. It is simple and easy to use.

LinkNSDossier- This stats calculator provides the most regional information but is also the slowest loading calculator.

Phone Apps
Looking for a better, or at least different way to look at NationStates while on your phone? Try out one of these apps for your phone.

Stately- This is an Android App for your phone. It allows you to answer issues, compare stats and graphs of multiple nations, and track your nation stats over time.

LinkNSDroid- This is another Android App to make using NationStates on your phone easier. It allows you to post to your region's RMB, send and receive TGs, and keep track of nations in your dossier.

Plugins and Extensions

NationStates++- This is a browser extension for the NationStates site. It adds stats and reorganizes some of the pages to be easier to use. It also has a feature that allows you to switch between nations you control with one click. It is very nice and kept up to date. This is a third party extension, so use at your own risk. However, NationStates is in the process of acquiring the extension, so it may gain "official" status in the near future.

LibreNS++- This is another, similar browser extension for the NationStates site. Much like NS++, this extension adds more functionality to the NS website, including mobile support, puppet management, automatic RMB updates, and IRC chat added to the region pages.

SerinApprox- This is a bot for your NationStates IRC channels that automatically calculates regions' approximate update times. It is an extremely useful tool if you are using your IRC for NS gameplay. SerinApprox is a plug-in for the LinkmIRC client, so if you are the one running the bot on the channel you must use mIRC. Everyone else on the channel will be able to access the bot regardless of their IRC client.

NSBreeze- NSBreeze is an extension for Chrome, to add keyboard shortcuts to the NationStates site. This gives you the ability to navigate using the press of a key. This is a very useful extension if you are involved in the R/D game.

FluffyCogs- FluffyCogs is a module for the LinkRed Discord Bot. This module will add NS-related commands to your region's Discord bot, such as displaying region data or WA resolution texts. Its a great way to integrate NationStates into your Discord.

Political Graphing Sites
Looking for a way to graph your nation's place on the political spectrum? Well, these sites will help you do that. Now, These are not strictly for NationStates, but they are site commonly utilized by NS users.

LinkThe Political Compass- This is the most common political graphing test used on NS. It provides a good measure of one's political stance or the stance of your nation.

LinkPolitical Spectrum Quiz- This is a good alternative to the Political Compass site. It allows you to weight each question according to how significant you feel it is, so you can add another layer of personalization. However, due to this added feature, it may not be very compatible with the Political Compass results.

Puppet Managers
Have you recently started participating in NS gameplay and now you have so many puppets you don't know what to do with them all? These programs will help you stop them all from CTEing.

NationStates Nation Manager- This is a small application that allows you to log in to a long list of puppets with one click of the mouse. I used to use this program frequently when I was juggling 50+ puppet nations. It is very helpful.

Autologin Script- This is a simple Python script to automatically log in to your puppet nations. It also provides you a list of notices that your puppets received, so you can better monitor what is happening with your nations. It does require that you download LinkPython 3 in order to run the script.

Want to run a sports RP? These programs and spreadsheets will help you generate scores fairly according to the inputs. I personally have little to no experience with these, so my descriptions will be limited.

Linkxkoranate- This is a fairly versatile scorinator that allows you to simulate a wide variety of sports, both individual and team. It is the most widely used scorinator.

LinkNSFS- This is a scorinator design specifically for football (soccer) scoring.

LinkLeagion- This is a Java-based program for american football scores. Written by Rejistania.

LinkTennis 0.3.1- This is an Excel based scorinator for tennis match ups. LinkOpenoffice version. Written by Schiavonia.

LinkLeague Ranking Sheet 3.2- This is a spreadsheet for league standings and rankings. Written by Osarius.

Wiki sites
Are you looking for a good place to post a world factbook or your nation's history? These Wiki sites are the perfect place for it.

LinkNSWiki- This is a reboot of the now-defunct wiki site of the same name. It is filled with bot generated pages, so the entries may or may not be accurate. It is well kept and managed, and it is highly recommended.

LinkIIWiki- The "II" stands for "international incidents", so this is a strictly In Character wiki. That means nothing can be posted that breaks the Link"fourth wall".

LinkWikiStates- This is another alternative wiki site. It is rather small but has an active community.

LinkNSIndex- This wiki site was made in response to the chaos created by NSWiki changing owners. The benefit of this site is that it has full access to Wikimedia Commons and there are no computer-generated pages.

Other useful things.

LinkNationStates Issue Results- This site collects data from nations answering issues to determine the results of each choice. It gives you the observed range of each stats change as well as the average change. Very useful if you want to fine-tune your NS stats, or if you just want to be a cheater.

NationStates Battle Simulator- This is a great tool to help war RPs. Instead of just rolling dice or arbitrarily deciding the results of a battle, you can just plug in various factors for both sides of the conflict and have the simulator crunch the numbers for you.

LinkNSHistory- This site allows you to look at the history of nations and regions. How many nations were in the North Pacific in June of 2008? This site will let you know. (The answer is 3,602 nations, by the way.)

LinkNSEmbassy- Regional Embassies make a web of connections across NationStates. How are they all connected? This will show you... In several different ways.

LinkNSRegionFlags- Have you ever wanted to look at all the regions' flag on NS all at once? Me neither. But if you get bored you should check it out.

LinkPlanet Creation Kit- This is a random planet generator. It allows you to set some basic parameters and then generates the scientific details of the planet. What is it useful for? I dunno.

LinkThis Person Does Not Exist- This is a site that uses a computer algorithm to generate a picture of a fake person every two seconds. If you are looking for completely unique photos of people for your nation's factbook, this is a great utility... Though, you may need to refresh the page a few times before you find one that's suitable.

Read dispatch

Codex Incursus

by Feuer ritter

Codex Incursus

A complete history of raiding

-July 21, 2011 - Charon is the first attested region raided by The Black Riders after the restoration. Beginning of the Second Era.
LinkArchive Picture

-August 15, 2011 - The Greater Empire of Lintonium is raided and occupied by The Black Riders.

-August 20, 2011 - Lost is raided during a joint exercise between The Black Riders and The New Inquisition, the region has been occupied for one week.
LinkArchive Picture

-September 2, 2011 - Middle Earth is raided and occupied for a week.
LinkArchive Picture

-September 10, 2011 - Katasia is raided by TBR forces

-September 26, 2011 - Northern P4 is raided by TBR, troops moved in 7 seconds before the region updated. The region is occupied for 12 days.
LinkArchive Picture

-October 24, 2011 - Islam is raided and occupied by TBR for 2 weeks, 2 defender liberation attempts were repulsed.
LinkArchive Picture

-November 26, 2011 - Ohio is raided together with The Black Hawks.

-December 4, 2011 - Vlaanderen is raided and occupied for 12 days. 2 liberation attempts were repulsed.
LinkLiberation Attempt
LinkArchive Picture

-December 18, 2011 - Rome is raided and occupied for 5 days.
LinkLiberation Attempt
LinkArchive Picture

-December 26, 2011 - Stargate is raided and occupied for 10 days.

Year 2011 ends with 11 regions raided and occupied by TBR

-January 7, 2012 - Asia is raided in an outstanding example of raider unity, The Black Riders, The Phantom Knights, Unknown, and The Black Hawks work together to achieve victory.

-January 15, 2012 - The Black Riders launch their first tag raid, taking 4 regions in the process (Aurora Spatial, The AGS Commonwealth, Linux and Western Europe).

-January 21, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 8 regions.

-January 28, 2012 - The Black Riders support TNI in taking over Belgium.

January ends with 12 raids and 2 supports, 4 active updates

-February 4, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 9 regions.

-February 18, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 7 regions.

-February 25, 2012 - The Black Riders support DEN in taking over Catholic.

February ends with 16 raids and one support, 3 active updates

-March 3, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 7 regions.

-March 9, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 7 regions.

-March 17, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 8 regions.

March ends with 22 raids, 3 active updates

-April 1, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions in a day. 8 during the major update and 10 during the minor update.

-April 14, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 15 regions in one day. 7 during the major update and 8 during the minor update.

-April 22, 2012 - Deutschland is raided and occupied by The Black Riders, 6 updaters participated.

-April 30, 2012 - The Black Riders begin the 31 days long occupation of Region of Reunited Muslim States[/b]. Refounding attempt failed.

April ends with 35 raids (one occupation), 6 active updates

-May 13, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 5 regions.

-May 14, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 7 regions.

-May 28, 2012 - The Black Raiders raid and tag 3 regions while testing new tactics.

May ends with 15 raids, 3 active updates

-June 3, 2012 - Operation Marathon I, The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions in one update using 3 teams led by A Million Voices, Feuer Ritter and Socialist Ecuador.

-June 8, 2012 - Operation Marathon II, The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions once again, using only one team led by Feuer ritter. Setting the TBR record for most regions raided in one update.

-June 9, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 13 regions

-June 10, 2012 - The FRA is raided by a task force composed of Feuer Ritter, Kknight, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, Spartzerium and Common-Sense Politics. Raid planned and led by Feuer Ritter

-June 16, 2012 - The Black Raiders under the command of Feuer Ritter infiltrate the password protected region South America and occupy it. 10 troops charged into the region.
LinkArchive Picture

June ends with 67 raids (one occupation), 5 active updates

-July 2, 2012 - Islamic Republic of Iran is raided and occupied.

-July 7, 2012 - Korel is raided and occupied for The Black Raiders One Year Anniversary.

-July 9, 2012 - Former United States is raided and occupied.

July ends with 3 raids, all occupations. 3 active updates

-August 11, 2012 - The Black Riders support TNI in taking Ireland.

-August 18, 2012 - United Nations Organization is raided and occupied.

-August 19, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 2 passworded regions (CFCopia and The League of Allied Nations)

August ends with 3 raids and one support. 3 active updates

-September 9, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions

-September 12, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions

-September 18, 2012 - General halcones of The Black Raiders sets a new record for most regions raided in one update by hitting 32 regions in 66 minutes

-September 20, 2012 - 51 regions are raided during the major and minor updates (30 at the major and 21 at the minor)

-September 21, 2012 - General halcones beats his own record by hitting 41 regions during one update using one team.

-September 24, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 19 regions

-September 25, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 35 regions during the major and minor updates (21 at major and 14 at minor)

-September 26, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions, all with WA delegates, setting a new record for most delegates overthrown in one update.

-September 27, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 12 regions, all with WA delegates.

-September 28, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions and support a TBH mission in Hell.

-September 30, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

September ends with 267 raids and one support. 13 active updates

-October 7, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions during 2 updates (12 at major and 14 at minor).

-October 8, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 8 regions.

-October 10, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions.

-October 13, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 9 regions.

-October 17. 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

-October 19, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 27 regions.

-October 20, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 27 regions during 2 updates (23 at major and 4 at minor).

-October 21, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 33 regions during 2 updates (24 at major and 9 at minor).

-October 22, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions during 2 updates (12 at major and 11 at minor).

-October 23, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 24 regions.

-October 24, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions.

-October 26, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during 2 updates (5 at major and 15 at minor).

-October 27, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 6 regions.

-October 28, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions during 2 updates (9 at major and 12 at minor).

-October 30, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 11 regions.

-October 31, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 38 regions.

October ends with 323 raids. 22 active updates

-November 2, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions.

-November 5, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

-November 6, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-November 7, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions.

-November 8, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 28 regions.

-November 9, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-November 10, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 6 regions.

-November 11, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 24 regions during 2 updates (7 at major and 17 at minor).

-November 12, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions.

-November 14, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 22 regions.

-November 15, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions.

-November 16, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 9 regions.

-November 18, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions.

-November 20, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 12 regions.

-November 24, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

-November 25, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 24 regions during 2 updates (15 at major and 9 at minor).

-November 26, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 12 regions.

-November 27, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions.

-November 28, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 8 regions.

-November 29, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions.

-November 30, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 35 regions during 2 updates (15 at major and 20 at minor).

November ends with 394 raids. 24 active updates

-December 1, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions during 2 updates (12 at major and 17 at minor).

-December 2, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions.

-December 3, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 8 regions.

-December 4, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 41 regions during 2 updates (16 at major and 25 at minor).

-December 5, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions.

-December 6, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 regions with 2 teams.

-December 7, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 31 regions during 2 updates (13 at major and 18 at minor).

-December 8, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during 2 updates (14 at major and 20 at minor).

-December 9, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions.

-December 10, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions.

-December 11, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions.

-December 12, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 7 regions.

-December 13, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 regions during 2 updates (17 at major and 13 at minor).

-December 22, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions.

-December 24, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

-December 27, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions during 2 updates (14 at major and 9 at minor).

-December 28, 2012 - The Black Riders raid and tag 9 regions.

-December 31, 2012 - Planet X is raided and all 939 embassies are burned to the ground.

December ends with 370 raids (one occupation). 24 active updates.

Year 2012 ends with a total of 1,527 raids (7 occupations) and 5 supports. 113 active updates.

-January 19, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions.

-January 26, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during 2 updates (9 at major and 11 at minor).

-January 27, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions.

-January 31, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 2 regions.

January ends with 50 raids. 5 active updates

-February 2, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 9 regions, ending up occupying Middle Earth.

February ends with 9 raids (one occupation). 1 active update[b]

-[b]March 28, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 46 regions during 2 updates (15 at major and 31 at minor).

-March 29, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 19 regions.

-March 30, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 31 regions.

March ends 96 raids. 4 active updates

-May 3, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions.

-May 8, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 6 regions.

-May 21, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions.

- May 26, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 22 regions.

May ends with 56 raids. 4 active updates.

During June, The Black Riders raid and keep Yorkshire under occupation

-July 6, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 11 regions.

-July 13, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 11 regions.

-July 14, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 33 regions during 2 updates (17 at major and 16 at minor)

-July 22, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions.

-July 27, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions during 2 updates (14 at major and 12 at minor).

-July 28, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions.

-July 29, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 15 regions.

July ends with 127 raids. 9 active updates.[b]

-[b]August 5, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions.

-August 26, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and occupy Coffee House

August ends with 15 raids (one occupation). 2 active updates.

-September 5, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag Death Star.

-September 6, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag Orion.

-September 14, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions during 2 updates (5 at major and 5 at minor).

-September 15, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions.

September ends with 32 raids. 5 active updates

-October 5, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions.

-October 6, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 61 regions during 2 updates (30 at major and 31 at minor)

-October 10, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 27 regions.

-October 11, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions.

-October 12, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 28 regions.

-October 13, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 49 regions during 2 updates (28 at major and 21 at minor).

-October 18, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions.

-October 21, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions.

-October 23, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 38 regions during 2 updates (12 at major and 26 at minor)

-October 26, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions.

-October 27, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 44 regions during 2 updates (22 at major and 22 at minor).

October ends with 358 raids. 15 active updates.

-November 1, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions.

-November 2, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions.

-November 3, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 63 regions during 2 updates (30 at major and 33 at minor).

-November 4, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-November 5, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during 2 updates (20 at major and 14 at minor).

-November 6, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-November 7, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions.

-November 8, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 31 regions.

-November 9, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 19 regions.

-November 10, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 53 regions during 2 updates (23 at major and 30 at minor).

-November 11, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 70 regions during 2 updates (39 at major and 31 at minor).

-November 12, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 41 regions.

-November 13, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 36 regions during 2 updates (13 at major and 23 at minor).

-November 14, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 53 regions during 2 updates (26 at major and 27 at minor).

-November 15, 2013 - 42 regions are raided during he major update by a team led by Suchasmallthing, thus setting a new record for most regions raided in one update.

-November 16, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 37 regions during 2 updates (24 at major and 13 at minor).

-November 18, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 47 regions during 2 updates (26 at major and 21 at minor).

-November 19, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 33 regions.

-November 20, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions.

-November 21, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 52 regions during 2 updates (25 at major and 27 at minor).

-November 22, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 6 regions.

-November 24, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions.

-November 25, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 40 regions during 2 updates (20 at major and 20 at minor).

-November 26, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-November 27, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 64 regions during 2 updates (17 at major and 47 at minor using 2 teams).

-November 28, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 39 regions.

-November 29, 2013 - A great day for raiding as 3 records were beaten and one equalized later. A total of 141 regions were raided during 2 updates (43 at major and 98 at minor). During the major update Suchasmallthing managed to set a new record for most regions raided in one update by one team by hitting 43, while at the minor update Operation Mayhem was unleashed over NationStates, 3 teams raided and tagged 98 regions setting a new record for most regions raided in one update, at the same time Halcones managed to equalize Suchasmallthing's 43 hits.

-November 30, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 57 regions during 2 updates (27 at major and 30 at minor) and set a new record for most WA delegates overthrown in one update - 26 (during the major update)

November ends with 1,153 regions were raided. 41 active updates

-December 1, 2013 - Another great day for raiding as The Black Raiders set records after records, a total of 91 regions were raided during 2 updates (45 at the major and 46 at the minor), also at the same time Islamic Revolution of Iran is refounded and New Zealand occupied. General halcones becomes the new record holder for most regions raided during an update with one team, achieving 46 hits at the minor update.

-December 2, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag a total of 86 regions during 2 updates. At the major update 37 regions are hit under the command of Feuer Ritter while at the minor update General Halcones sets a NEW record for most regions raided in one update with a single team by hitting 49.

-December 3, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 39 regions during tha minor update.

-December 4, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions during the minor update.

-December 5, 2013 - The Black Riders update force splits in 2 teams and raid a total of 61 regions (35 by Team Halcones and 26 by Team Feuer Ritter) during the minor update.

-December 6, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag a total of 75 regions during 2 updates (34 at major and 41 at minor).
Major Update Report
Minor Update Report

-December 7, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag a total of 67 regions during 2 updates (25 at major and 42 at minor)
Major Update Report
Minor Update report

-December 8, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 46 regions during 2 updates (30 at major and 16 at minor). Angola was stolen while the defenders tried to refound it, and is now added to our colonies.

-December 9, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 38 regions during 2 updates (27 at major and 11 at minor).

-December 10, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 65 regions during 2 updates (22 at major and 43 at minor).

-December 11, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 42 regions.

-December 12, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions.

-December 13, 2013 - Te Black Riders raid and tag 45 regions.

-December 14, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 49 regions.

-December 15, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 71 regions during 2 updates (53 at major and 18 at minor), General halcones sets a new records for most regions hit in one update by one team, taking 53 regions at the major update

-December 16, 2013 - The Black Riders raid an tag 53 regions using two teams.

-December 17, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 53 regions using two teams.

-December 18, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 45 regions.

-December 19, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 36 regions.

-December 20, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 31 regions. Suchasmallthing sets a new record for most WA delegates overthrown in one update, taking down 28 delegates.

-December 22, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 28 regions.

-December 24, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 39 regions.

-December 25, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions.

-December 27, 2013 - The Black Riders invade Asia.

-December 29, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 43 regions during 2 updates (17 at major and 26 at minor).

-December 31, 2013 - The Black Riders raid and tag 22 regions.

During December 1,213 regions were raided (two occupations). 35 active updates

During 2013, 3,110 regions were raided (5 occupations). 123 active updates

-January 1, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag Hampshire during the major update to begin a new year! & 6 regions are raided and tagged at minor update (3 warzones)

-January 7, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions during the minor update.

-January 22, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during the minor update.

-January 23, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 35 regions (22 at major update and 13 at minor update)

-January 24, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 94 ragions (37 at major update and 57 at minor update)

-January 25, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 11 during the major update.

-January 27, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions during the major update.

-January 28, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions during the major update.

-January 29, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during the major update.

-January 31, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 48 regions (26 at the major update and 22 at the minor update)

During January 2014 307 regions were raided, 14 active updates[/hr]

-February 1, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions during the major update.

-February 2, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 23 regions during the major update.

-February 3, 2014 - The Black Riders invade and occupy Anarchy after a long sleeper operation lead by General Scooby-doo.

-February 4, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 11 regions during the minor update.

-February 6, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 36 regions during the minor update.

-February 8, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 38 regions (21 during major update and 17 during minor update) .

-February 10, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 3 regions (2 of them passworded) during the major update.

-February 12, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 37 regions during the major update.

-February 13, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 47 regions during the major update.

-February 14, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during the minor update.

-February 16, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions during the major update.

-February 17, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 46 regiosn during the major update.

-February 18, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 50 regions during the major update.

-February 20, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 regions during the major update.

-February 22, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21regions during the major update.

-February 23, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions during the major update.

-February 24, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions during the major update.

-February 26, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during the major update.

-February 27, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 40 regions during the major update.

-February 28, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 80 regions (47 during major update and 33 during minor update)

During February 2014 615 regions were raided (1 occupation), 22 active updates

-March 2, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during the major update.

-March 14, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 24 regions during the minor update.

-March 16, 2014 - The Black Riders and Allies counter-raid Western Assembly, taking it from The Eternal Knights. 18 updaters from 9 regions were involved in defeating 11 endorsements.

-March 19, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 14 regions during the major update.

-March 21, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 regions during the minor update.

-March 22, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions during the minor update.

-March 23, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions 927 at the major update and 7 at the minor update)

-March 24, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 49 regions (36 at the major update and 13 at the minor update)

-March 25, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 25 regions during the major update. Anzia, a member of The Green Black Concordat is liberated by TBR and UIAF.

-March 26, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 39 regions (21 at the major update and 18 at the minor update).

-March 27, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 15 regions during the minor update.

-March 28, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions during the minor update.

-March 29, 2014 - Operation Typhoon, 11 black riders deployed in 3 teams and raided 67 regions during the major update.

-March 30, 2014 - Operation Guillotine, 32 regions are raided during the major update. 25 delegates decapitated.

During March 2014 372 regions were raided, 17 active updates

-April 5, 2014 - The Black Raiders raid and tag 16 regions during the major update.

-April 6, 2014 - Invasion of The Silver Isles and the refounding of Internet. The Black Riders also tag 38 regions (13 at major update, 25 at minor update).

-April 7, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 33 (22 at major update, 11 at minor update).

-April 8, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions during the major update.

-April 10, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 35 regions (22 at major update, 13 at minor update).

-April 11, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 22 regions during the minor update. Lone Wolves United assist in the invasion of [region]The Soviet Bloc.

-April 12, 2014 - Operation Overkill, The Black Raiders deploy 7 troops in a show of operational flexibility with 3 occupation reinforced (Anarchy, The Silver Isles and The Soviet Bolc), Jew refounded as a small prize and 16 regions tagged - all WA kills.

-April 13, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 42 regions (16 at major update, 26 at minor update).

-April 14, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during the major update

-April 15, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 50 regions (23 at major update, 27 at minor update).

-April 16, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 42 regions (26 at major update, 16 at minor update).

-April 18, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions during the minor update.

-April 19, 2014 - The Black Riders assist in UIAF led invasion of Slavya

-April 20, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 regions during the major update.

-April 23, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 27 regions during the minor update.

-April 25, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 45 regions during the major update.

During April 2014, 464 regions were raided, 1 occupation (The Silver Isles), 22 active updates[/hr]

-May 1, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 37 regions during the minor update.

-May 4, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 34 regions during the minor update.

-May 11, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions during the minor update.

-May 17, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 18 regions during the major update.

-May 20, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 13 regions during the minor update.

-May 24, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 41 regions (20 at major and 21 at minor). 42 strong defender assault on Anarchy ends in a massacre.

-May 28, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 22 regions during the minor update.

-May 29, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 44 regions during the major update.

-May 31, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 44 regions during the major update.

During May 2014, 271 regions were raided, 10 active updates

-June 2, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 20 regions during the minor update.

-June 5, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 10 regions during the minor update.

-June 11, 2014 - The Black Riders take down 19 delegates with a raiding force of 8 black riders (targets include: Yorkshire, New York, The South, SPACE and Japan)

-[b]June 12, 2014 - The Black Riders aid and tag 30 regions during the minor update.

-June 19, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 17 regions during the minor update.

-June 21, 2014 - The Black Rider raid and tag 25 regions during the minor update.

-June 24, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 30 region during the major update.

-June 28, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 32 regions (18 at major and 15 at minor).

-June 29, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 29 regions during the major update.

During June 2014, 212 regions were raided, 10 active updates.

-July 3, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 24 regions during the minor update.

-July 7, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 12 regions during the minor update.

-July 8, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 27 regions during the major update.

-July 10, 2014 - The Black Raiders invade Ixnay after a well executed sleeper mission.

-July 12, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 16 regions during the major update.

-July 16, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 21 regions during the minor update.

-July 17, 2014 - The Black Riders raid and tag 26 regions during the minor update.

During July 2014, 127 regions were raided, 1 occupation (Ixnay), 7 active updates.

During 2014, 2,368 regions were raided (3 occupation), 102 active updates

The Black Raiders raided a total of 7,015 regions (26 occupations). 349 active updates

Read factbook




French calumnaea




The american liberation front


New pingus flavo imperium


Sheboyganite union




German-soviet reich




Ambassador of salutations




Ravioli Representative

Read factbook

Ethanoic acid
General greivous
Friend's nation (don't remeber name of)
Uss lexington cv 2
Expanding my backyard
French calumnaea
DiRito-Opolis's puppet
Even lesser struberria
News Anchor Wolfe Blitzer
Prager conservatives from texas
and 3 others i don't rember at the moment.
Read factbook

As originally posted on the TEP & NPO forums:

Be sure to give credit if you post it,please!

Hobbes' guide to R/D


Let me clarify- this is not intended to be a omega R/D guide for everyone- It's intended to teach newcomers to gameplay and R/D the basics of how it works.

What is R/D?

R/D stands for Raiding & Defending - The (very) basic act of switching your WA nation around, and endorsing someone else, most commonly to A: get them to become delegate in Raiding, or B: get them to stay delegate in Defending, in this guide. I'll cover the very basics of how both work.


Raiding is the rather basic act of moving your WA (World Assembly) nation around and endorsing someone else, or having other people endorse you. In most cases, you will need to replace someone else as World Assembly Delegate for this to work properly. This is where it gets a bit tricky.


Timing is rather essential,especiaully when raiding a region that either has a active delegate or has a active founder (We will get to founders later). Instead of, as common sense would dictate, your endorsement counting instantly, NationStates uses 'update times'- that are divided into two 'update times'.

  • Major Update (12AM EST - 1AM EST)

  • Minor Update (12PM EST - 1PM EST)

But thats not it- The region in question can update anywhere between those two times-But theres hope, Once you have the update time of that particular region, It generally will stay constant to within a minute. So say the region updates at 12:43:12 AM- You generally can make the assumption it will update between 12:42 and 12:43 at minor/major. It will vary by roughly a minute- but it will generally stay constant.

Which makes Timing very essential- You and your friends,if timed right, can hop into the region seconds before it updates already endorsed (We will cover cross-endo'ing later), and be delegate before the defending delegate can even refresh. This is essential to Raiding.


Jumppoints are also, essential to Raiding gameplay, especiually when you are utilizing the 'jump-right-before-update' tactic we previously discussed. The Pacific utilizes several 'jump points' - Regions specifically tasked with jumping in/out of because of their late update times.

Wait, What? Yes, because of how NS is set up, If you jump into a region that has a later update time from the region you jumped from (This is essential for us as GCR's generally have early update times) - Your endorsement will count in the region you jumped from, not the region you jumped into. This is where Jumppoints come into play.

Now this is where Cross-Endorsing comes in- a common pratice especiually when in the Jumppoint waiting to move into the region you are raiding- If you endorse the selected delegate out of the group (The person everyone endorses in hopes he becomes delegate at update) in the jumppoint, If you switch before update with your group, All endorsements will stay constant so you won't need to endorse the person again. It's also common practice for you to endorse your friends and them to endorse you,so your influence in the region you raided goes up (We'll get to Influence later).


Influence, is also a essential part to raiding gameplay. It's common tactic when raiding big targets to get a 'sleeper' - A puppet of a raider nation designated to blend in with the natives in a region, so his influence grows before the raid itself. Influence, incase you do not already know, grows the more time you spend in a region, and you spend influence on the Regional Control tools as Delegate (note: Founders do not spend influence). This is why when raiding larger regions, it's also common pratice for raiders to switch their delegate around when the person in the hot seat runs out of influence. We'll get back to Influence when discussing Defending.


Defending is, effectively- the exact opposite as raiding, However, it can function using raiding techniques in some cases (Such as Liberations), and uses jump point and timing methods as well.


Founders are, basically, the endgame in R/D. It's pratically impossible to (sucessfully) raid a region with a active Founder, because, as covered previously, they require no influence to lock the region, banject (ban+ejection), or anything, The region is at the Founder's whim, essentially. This is why it is almost never done when a region with a active founder is Raided, If anything,the Raiders attempt to seize the WA Delegate seat when the Founder is not online,then do as much damage as possible before the Founder comes back on.

The founder can also make the Delegate Non-executive, this means the Delegate has no regional controls, and also, kills the R/D gameplay.


Influence is also a essential part of Defending gameplay, It gives the natives a chance to fight for their region, essentially. When a outsider comes in and seizes Delegate- He will have almost no influence, compared to the Natives, who will, in comparison to the Raiders, will be swimming in it. It is impossible (Unless in a Warzone) to ban and eject someone who has more influence then you.

-Delegate Elect(Not in game yet- but announced to be coming in game,so mightaswise include it)

Delegate Elect is a new position being added to NationStates, that also effects the defending side of gameplay. Say raider group A has 30 endorsements on their man, and they jump in to a region where the delegate has 25 endorsements. Right now,this would mean endgame for the defenders in the region, But with Delegate Elect, it freezes regional controlls into either the Raiders or Defenders achieve a majority of WA votes, thus achieving Delegate.


In conclusion, R/D is a essential part of the NationStates gameplay,and I hope I have untangled some of its mysteries to you(incase you didin't already know them).

If i missed anything,let me know and I'll edit it in.


Read dispatch


Her Majesty Queen Victoria

Gained Independence:

28th July 2018
(from British Commonwealth of Free States)


Constitutional Monarchy

Official Language:

British English


Link"God Save the Queen"

The Royal Navy

"If you wish for peace, prepare for war"


The Royal Navy is the voluntary reserve force of the Empire of Great Britain. The purpose of the Royal Navy is to protect the interests of the Empire and her allies at home and abroad.

Chain of Command

(1) - The Founder Monarch: Her Majesty Queen Victoria
(2) - TRH Prime Minister: Newtopian Britain
(3) - TRH Secretary of State for War: The holy brittannian empire

The Founder Monarch
The Founder Monarch is the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy.
The Royal Navy may not be deployed abroad in any manner without the authority of the Founder Monarch.

Prime Minister
The Prime Minister is Second-in-Command of the Royal Navy.
The Prime Minister has the authority to call the Royal Navy into active duty and is responsible for updating the Cabinet Government on any military activity.

Secretary of State for War
The Secretary of State for War is Third-in-Command of the Royal Navy.
The Secretary is responsible for the daily administration of the Royal Navy; including recruitment, promotions and updating the House of Commons on the condition of the force.


Ranks of the Royal Navy


Admiral (Adm)

Saint Arsenio, Lunayria

Commodore (Cdre)

StWinchester (Hon)

Captain (Capt)


Commander (Cmd)

Hms not-brittania

Lieutenant Commander (Lt Cmd)


Lieutenant (Lt)



To enlist in the Royal Navy, a nation must;

1. Be a citizen of the Empire of Great Britain.
2. Be prepared to designate a PUPPET NATION for military use.
3. Be prepared to swear an Oath of Allegiance to the Founder Monarch.

Nations interested in enlisting should telegram TRH Secretary of State for War Lunayria.

Nations who meet the eligibility requirements will receive BASIC TRAINING and be commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant.

Code of Conduct

Officers are representatives of the Royal Navy, whether in RESERVE or on ACTIVE DUTY, and are therefore expected to practice good etiquette at all times. It is strictly forbidden for Officers to post any content which is:

1. Obscene
2. Illegal
3. Threatening
4. Malicious
5. Defamatory
6. Spam

This applies to your nation's name, motto, other customizable fields, any messages you write, images you post, or any other content you upload or link to NationStates. If you do, you will be immediately SUSPENDED from the Royal Navy and a disciplinary investigation will be held at the earliest convenience of TRH Secretary of State for War. This may result in a court martial and dishonorable discharge.

Template by Kirislavia,
available here.
Read factbook

For many, it is assumed that Israel is a racist state that considers its Arab minority second-class citizens. I wonder, then, how they explain what happened last Friday?

For the third time in the last two years, Israel threatened military action to stop an attack by extremist Syrian rebels on the Syrian Druze village of Khader. It did so despite the fact that Syrian Druze have sided with the Assad regime in that war, meaning they’re aligned with Israel’s arch-enemies, Iran and Hezbollah; despite the fact that Khader itself has been the source of several anti-Israel terror attacks; and despite the fact that such intervention risks entangling Israel in Syria’s civil war, something it has hitherto tried hard to avoid–and all just because it was asked to do so by its own Druze minority, which was worried about its coreligionists across the border.

To most Israelis, it seems both obvious and unremarkable that Israel should accede to this request. But in fact, though Israel has always considered itself obligated as a Jewish state to try to protect Jews anywhere, it’s not at all obvious that it would consider itself equally obligated to try to protect Druze beyond its borders. Threatening cross-border military action on behalf of foreign nationals aligned with your worst enemies, simply because they’re the coreligionists of one of your own ethnic minorities, isn’t an obvious step for any country. And it’s especially not obvious for a country accused of considering said minorities to be second-class citizens.

Thus, the fact that Israel has repeatedly taken action to protect the Syrian Druze says a lot about the true state of anti-Arab “racism” in the country. But to understand exactly what it says, it’s first necessary to understand the difference between Israeli Druze and other Arab Israelis.

The Druze are ethnically Arab, and their religion is considered an offshoot of Islam. But in their attitude toward the Jewish state, Israeli Druze differ markedly from most Muslim and Christian Arabs. All Druze men serve in the army, whereas Muslim and Christian Arabs generally do not. Druze politicians can be found in every major political party (except the explicitly religious ones), and Druze voting patterns aren’t markedly different from their Jewish counterparts. In contrast, other Arabs generally support ethnic Arab parties that are openly hostile to the Jewish state. Druze overwhelmingly identify as Israeli rather than Palestinian, whereas among other Arabs, the reverse has been true until very recently. Finally, given their superior integration, Druze unsurprisingly feel much less discriminated against than other Arabs.

The Druze consider themselves to be and act as loyal Israelis in every respect, so Jewish Israelis consider themselves bound to show equal loyalty to the Druze. Therefore, when Israeli Druze (some of whom even have relatives in Khader) were concerned about what might happen to their Syrian brethren if the extremist militias succeeded in capturing the town, Israeli Jews–who can readily understand concern for the fate of one’s coreligionists in another country–fully agreed that something had to be done. Hence the army, as it has twice before, warned the extremists that if they didn’t retreat, they would be attacked by Israeli planes and artillery. And the extremists, as they have twice before, got the message and abandoned their attack.

In contrast, Israeli Jews feel far less commitment to other Israeli Arabs because other Israeli Arabs demonstrate far less commitment to Israel. This is obvious in their refusal not only to do military service–something most Israeli Jews could reluctantly accept–but even to do civilian national service in their own communities, because they consider it unacceptable to do anything that might be construed as identification with the hated Zionist state. It is equally obvious in their repeated reelection of Arab Knesset members who, in marked contrast to Druze MKs, routinely refuse to condemn Palestinian terror and sometimes even actively defend it, hurl calumnies like “apartheid” and “genocide” at their own government, and side with the Palestinians against Israel on virtually every issue.

While prejudice and discrimination definitely exist in Israel, as they do in every society, they do not, for the most part, stem from “racism.” Rather, they are a response to the objective fact that many Israeli Arabs demonstrate their contempt for and opposition to the Jewish state on a daily basis. While Israel can and does ensure equality before the law for its Arab citizens, it can’t change human nature. And it is human nature to be less generous and more suspicious toward people who openly side with your enemies than toward those who side with you, because loyalty is a two-way street. Indeed, what’s truly remarkable is that Israel has made such great efforts to integrate its Arab minority despite the barrier posed by Arab behavior.

As I’ve noted many times before, Israeli Arab attitudes toward Israel are slowly changing. As they do, anti-Arab prejudice and discrimination will lessen in the same way that prejudice and discrimination against the Druze already have. And nothing demonstrates this better than last Friday’s incident in Khader, when Israel put its army at the service of non-Jewish enemy nationals across the border just because their Israeli coreligionists asked it to do so.


Read dispatch

This nation has been traveling alphabetically backwards thru NS since the beginning.
Read factbook

hi guise?
im smervv??????
im makerin factbok?????????????????
com two forestt off smerv???????????? it is vary gouda thar?

ok notw i wil dew yu mite wunder secshun?????

yu mite wunder???//???///??///

wat is thes?
thes ist fact of book?

wat are yu
im smerv?

ware arr yu?
forest of smerv?

this hast ben smerv faktbok?? pls lick if yu licekd it??????

how is you?
im gouda

wat is yurop
smerv didant lick yurop

shud i coum 2 foresst of smerv????
yes!?!?!?!?!?!? ists vary gouda thare!!!!!?!!??!?!?!!??!

Read factbook

Upvote this factbook

by The frogs republic of kekistan

My goal is to make this the most upvoted, non-help based fact book in NS history. So spread this factbook, pin it to your region, do what ever. Just spread the factbook to every region you can.

Reasons to upvote:
Cute cat as requested by The chan islanders

Read factbook


The Family Coat of Arms

His Imperial Majesty, His Most Imperial and Holy Majesty, The Holy Kaiser.

Name: Wilhelm von Wermarn-Arnburg
Status: Holy Kaiser
Year of Birth: 1992 (24 years of age)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Current Place of Residence: Reichstag, Selvensburg.
Royal House: Wermarn-Arnburg
Spouse: Morrighan von Wermarn-Arnburg
Children: 1 daughter: Adela. 3 sons: Montezuma, Wilhelm II, Enzo

Coat of Arms, Kaiser

Coat of Arms, Kaiserin

First Princess
Adela von Wermarn-Arnburg
- The first daughter of the Kaiser.

coat of arms of the Crown Princess

Crown Prince
Wilhelm von Wermarn-Arnburg, II
coat of arms of the Crown Prince (lesser arms)

First Prince (adoptive)

coat of arms, prince

Second Prince (different blood)
Nationalist mayans-Montezuma von Wermarn-Arnburg
coat of arms, princess (lesser arms)

Lucius Gryllus Arnburg- Uncle

Read factbook

Morality- The individual must have a moral compass. From birth, the parents must oversee the moral upbringing of their offspring. The separation and distinction between right and wrong empowers the individual to grow spiritually and ensure a productive place in Bunschiche Society. Without a moral compass, an individual is considered incomplete; a part of a whole, left unfinished.

Honour- Every individual is entitled by their Creator with a sense of honour. Honour drives the individual to do right. This is not to be confused with morality, which every person is expected and even required to act accordingly with the moral compass. Honour is an effect of morality. Instead, honor dictates the function, the action, of the individual. For example, a soldier is expected to fight with honour. A statesman or other political figure is expected to act and rule with honour: true to their word and honest in their dealings. All people are honour-bound to uphold their principles and the principles of the region.

Loyalty- To be loyal, the individual must have a deep sense of King and Country. The individual must also remain true through all trials and tribulations, no matter the cost. The principle of loyalty is strong in the reich, and all are expected to remain true to their course. Without loyalty, society is dead. Loyalty builds trust, trust builds friendship and comradeship. Thus, society balances on the loyalty of it's people. Treachery is the highest degree of criminal act and receives the harshest retaliation. Traitors are condemned and shunned before being either exiled or executed. Those who remain loyal to a fault are considered pinnacles of society.

Piety- The individual must comprised of piety. Regardless of belief, individuals should act as their diety commands of them. Respect, reservation, charity are all products of piety.

Justice- Justice is essential to morality and loyalty. Thus, morality and loyalty are directly related to the principle of justice. Justice sees that the righteous are protected while the evil-doer is punished, according to the severity of the crime or injustice committed.

Lore- Tradition is our roots. It is the way we live, work, and conduct ourselves. The region's lore is essential to understanding it's way of life. Our history dictates who we are and why are who we are. Lore is the base of society, it holds up all other things.

Read factbook

Coming soon. This factbook will compile information about the important people in our great region.

Kaiser Wilhelm Erfurt Magdeburg von Wermarn-Arnburg

Padraig O'connel

Donnchad O'connel

Reinhard von Conel

Read factbook

Kingdom: blue Dictatorship: yellow Republic: red

Viceroy Norman
Viceroy Norman
"The Conqueror"

Viceroy Norman, upon arriving to the new land, lead his soldiers into the wilderness of "Bunicken". They set up a village and began meeting with natives. They became allied to 1 tribe who was fighting with another tribe. This tribal war resulted in the settlers being dragged into it. The settlers emerged successful, more land was acquired and the original settlement grew into a well developed city

Viceroy Griffith
Viceroy Griffith
''The Ambitious''

Griffith was a master diplomat, who extend bunickens influence among the natives through dangerous trade deals. He was responsible for creating bunickens first port. Upon the collapse of one of the deals, Bunicken entered into a major war with a native tribe. He would lead his army into battle, where he would be killed by an arrow from a native archer

Viceroy Paulus
Viceroy Paulus

Viceroy Paulus was the eldest son of Griffith. Under his rule they defeated the natives and forced them North,east and west, with the main amount being pushed north. He died in 1730 of heart failure.

Viceroy Gergio
Viceroy Gergio
''The Strong''

Georgio was a quiet Viceroy, who lead a reinforcement of the border, and began allowing citizens to create trading posts on the border. He was the last Viceroy and created the position of King to be given to his son, Bernhardt.

King Bernhardt
King Bernhardt
''The Elder''

King Patrik
King Patrik
''The Tactician''

King Felix
King Felix
''The Younger''

King Franz
King Franz
''The Brave''

King Edward
King Edward
''The Merciless''

King Jacob
King Jacob
''The Kind''

King Andrew
King Andrew
''The Innovative''

Queen-Mother Alice
Stallholder (Queen to Andrew) Alice
''The Cunning''

King Robert
King Robert
''The Pious''

Queen Linnea
Queen Linnea
''The Patient''

King Heinrich
King Heinrich
''The Despised''

The Volkesrepublik
President Armand

King Louis
''The Fierce''

King Franz II
King Franz II
''The Wise''

King Calvin
King Calvin
''The Unpopular''

Empress Marie
Empress Marie-Tallyrand
''The Beautiful'

King Alfred
King Alfred-Tallyrand
''The Leader''

King Hermann
King Hermann
''The Warrior''

Andronicus Marcus

Vitello Viccori

Kaiser Wilhelm von Wermarn-Arnburg
Wilhelm Erfurt von Wermarn-Arnburg
''Das Maechtige''

The Triumvirate

Kaiser Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmann

Kaiser Wilhelm von Wermarn-Arnburg
2011-2016, 2016-Present
Holy Kaiser Wilhelm Erfurt von Wermarn-Arnburg
''Das Maechtige''

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Prized sabres are swords, daggers, and sidearms taken by the victor from the defeated in battle. In the Reich, valor and honour may be judged by the number of sabres you have captured.

Austrian-style Hussar saber, presented to Wilhelm Wermarn-Arnburg by New berlinn following defeat in battle.

Prussian-style Light Cavalry sabre presented to Wilhelm Wermarn-Arnburg by Dalmation cities(revolutionary) following captured rebel capital.

Special-made by Jackson Frazier. Presented to Kaiser as memorial.

German long-sword presented to Wilhelm Wermarn-Arnburg by Siegfried von salzgitter

Read factbook

The Church of Bunicken

The Anglican Church of Bunicken is headed by the Archbishop and Kaiser Wilhelm von Wermarn-Arnburg. It is located within Selven, in The Holy Reich of Bunicken. The Church of Bunicken is the largest Christian place of worship in the region.
Services are held twice every Sabbath. The first is led by the Archbishop at 9:00 A.M. The second is led by the Bishop at 2:00 P.M.
The church is over 150 years old and has been fully functioning for its entire existence. For the first 37 years of it's service to the Lord, the Church of Bunicken was a cathedral. During the great migration of people from the British Isles, Germany, and Denmark, the local population became predominantly Protestant. This caused the cathedral to be converted to a protestant church, replacing the Archbishop (catholic) with the Archbishop (Protestant). Although the Anglican Church of Bunicken is headed by an Anglican Archbishop, it serves as a place of worship for all branches of Protestantism. The original secular Archbishop was replaced by His Imperial and Holy Majesty in February of 2019. The Church's motto: ''beati qui ambulant lege Domini.''

Siegfried von salzgitter
High priestess morrighan
Nationalist mayans
Christian Confederasion Military

Satellite Churches
Teutonic Empire

✠'Für Gott, König und Vaterland!‘✠

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Rost dreadnorramus
