Governor: The First Grand Empire of Gegia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The First Grand Empire of Gegia

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 1,873rd Most Authoritarian: 2,020th Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 2,228th
World Factbook Entry

Territhsolien is a Napoleonic-early 1800s roleplay region. Will you forge new empires and expand your borders? Will you explore new horizons and create colonies? Find out at Territhsolien. Major shoutout to Aurne for the inspiration.

January 1st, 1802

Current RPs:

Roleplay happens in the forums specifically posted, and in the RMB, so come check it out.

Territhsolien Alliance Headquarters

Check out our roleplay regions, Territhsolien Future, Haestrik, and 2026 and Beyond.

  1. 3

    Territhsolien Alliance

    FactbookOverview by Gegia . 46 reads.

  2. 1

    Territhsolien Map

    BulletinPolicy by Gegia . 12 reads.

  3. 1

    Important Historical Events in Territhsolien History

    FactbookHistory by Gegia . 4 reads.

Embassies: Fredonia, The Embassy, Guinea Kiribati, Gypsy Lands, Kommuland, The Embassy 1, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, 2026 and Beyond, Territhsolien Future, Territhsolien Alliance Headquarters, The Bar on the corner of every region, Haestrik, Newlands Federative Coalition, TRA Sunny Island Resort, TRA Election Region, Union of Jonarian Nations, and 1 other.Pecan Sandies.

Tags: Casual, Human-Only, LGBT, Map, Medium, Neutral, Past Tech, and Role Player.

Territhsolien contains 12 nations, the 1,873rd most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Territhsolien

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Territhsolien is ranked 2,228th in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

1.The Kingdom of New AllbionCorporate Police State“Pax Allbionica”
2.The First Grand Empire of GegiaDemocratic Socialists“Our swords are strong but our people are stronger”
3.The Kingdom of BagyoujdiaIron Fist Consumerists“O great stands the man who hides in the shadows”
4.The Republic of HalmoramthIron Fist Consumerists“Money is key”
5.The Grand Duchy of TherifLeft-Leaning College State“Liberty is life”
6.The Commonwealth of FaldariaIron Fist Consumerists“We are the people”
7.The Holy Empire of OttoyPsychotic Dictatorship“Believe or die”
8.The Empire of ViodroxaCompulsory Consumerist State“Glory to our fine nation”
9.The Commonwealth of LustivaniaIron Fist Consumerists“Safety over freedom, but crown over all”
10.The Kingdom of ClyohrairaIron Fist Consumerists“All hail the crown of the Clyoiv”

Regional Happenings


Territhsolien Regional Message Board


Lersel empire


The First Grand Empire of Gegia


The First Grand Empire of Gegia

The 1st of Valrot, 1145,

The port settlement of Hadereth City was very busy, as always, but the odd thing about today was the unusual appearance of Gegian federal officials and soldiers, clad in their orange uniforms. This happened occasionally because the city was the provincial capital of a major Gegian colony. Governor Drefus Flandermoore I was sitting hungover in his office, still in his clothes from the New Year’s party the night before, when one of his servants burst through his door.
“Governor Flandermoore, sir, I am glad to see you have woken. I apologize for my intrusion but there are government officials at the fort sir. Shall I call for them to be let in?” Asked the flustered servant.
“Yes. Make sure they are well treated, then bring them to the courtyard, there I will meet them,” ordered the disheveled Drefus.
The out of breath servant bowed and hurried out of the office, barking orders along the way. Drefus takes a large gulp of whiskey from the glass in front of him and gets out of his chair. He quickly throws on a military uniform and glances in the mirror. His position as governor of a powerful colony had clearly taken a toll on the man. He had the look of someone who had not slept well in a long time, he had lost weight, and although he was only 44, both his hair and beard were completely white.
In truth, he thought as he walked out his office door and down the staircase, he had not been sleeping well at all. Recently, Ottoyan colonial interests had grown to areas around the Colony of Hadereth and the Empire of Gegia had grown considerably worried over their colonial power in the region. They annexed disputed land east of Hadereth that Ottoy was interested in. The Ottoyans say this as a direct threat and denounced Gegia. This puts Hadereth at the center of a geopolitical power struggle that is about to turn to war.
The political officials, probably directly from Gegesburg, the capital city of Gegia, were most likely here to discuss the militarization of the area. Thousands of soldiers are at this moment being shipped across the Daerifthor Sea to Hadereth. The war is inevitable, and as Drefus reaches the courtyard door, he silently prays to Terethy the Lord that his little colony will live through it all. The Governor of Hadereth walks out the door to greet his guests.

The Empire of Boloshvik

Valrot 4th, 1145,
Valderakov was alive with activity while the sun was still out. Political officials scurried into the parliament building, being closely watched by menacingo guards holding their muskets close to their sides, bayonets on. Puratni was a Kushmyi (a member of the Boloshvikian Kushmyi Parliamentary Council or KPC) from southern Boloshvik. He had not been to the parliament in a very long while and left an uneasy air of tension.
A bell rang out through the city announcing mass for the Solien Churchgoers. A group of schoolchildren marched by singing the the Boloshvik national anthem. The Kushmyis walked into the building. Puratni saw the large gates open wide for he and his peers, the large building was dimly lit but brightly trimmed with gold. He and the others took their places. A few minutes later a man in proper, green clothes stepped up to the main podium at the end of the room. He un-rolled a scroll and began talking.
“By decree of Emporer Traberov Ulneski III of the most Glorious Hegemony Empire of Boloshvik, the Kushmyi Parliamentary Council shall from now on be dissolved, and the most noble and just Emporer shall retain full control of the state of Boloshvik.” The building erupted in uproar at these words. The man left behind the podium and some of the Kushmyis and their aids started to leave. However, before they had time to exit, the guards closed in and started blocking the exits. Puratni started to panic, he may not escape. Another Kushmyi tried to push through the wall of guards but was thrown to the ground. They started rounding up the Kushmyis and throwing them somewhere outside. Puratni prayed to Solien this would not end in bloodshed.


Hello. Very unique theme with the Napoleonic era. Have you considered doing, or do you currently do, long-form RPs on the NS Forums?

The First Grand Empire of Gegia

Yeah, we are kind of new to this. But that is a great idea and I think we should start doing that.



We should have a chat via telegram. I was on NS many years ago (returning now) and have some idea of how to structure these things.

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