High Atheling (Governor): The Red Bearcatish Kinric of Valoptia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Kingdom of Cainitium

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 24th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 1,287th Most Patriotic: 1,307th+11
Largest Manufacturing Sector: 1,378th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 1,840th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,975th Healthiest Citizens: 2,126th Most Devout: 2,362nd Most Corrupt Governments: 2,477th Lowest Crime Rates: 2,589th Most Developed: 2,677th Most Armed: 2,792nd Most Subsidized Industry: 2,793rd Highest Average Incomes: 2,968th
World Factbook Entry

Puppet Storage belonging to Valoptia

Anyone's welcome to sit a puppet in this region, so long as they telegram Valoptia the name of their main nation.
Those that do not telegram Valoptia or those that overstay their welcome may find themselves given a ticket to The Rejected Realms, free of charge.

Embassies with this region are only for regions of people I know or regions I watch over.

  1. 7

    Valoptia | Record

    MetaGameplay by Valoptia . 213 reads.

Embassies: Aerospace, Armies of the World, Baathist Dictators, Byzan, Camberus, Cretanja Queendom, Penny, SAFT Puppets, The Almighty Crimson Star, The Call of The Void, The Communist Nations of The World, The Republican Kingdoms of Europe, Keep of Darkness XL, World Space Administration, United Trading Company Inc, The Lost Kingdom of Hallownest, and 3 others.Cals Card Farm, Liars and Eristics, and the rotenaples.

Tags: Gargantuan, Invader, and Trading Cards.

Regional Power: Very High

Cainitium contains 1,380 nations, the 24th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Advanced Public Transport in Cainitium

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Cainitium is ranked 6,599th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

1.The Republic of SasolaceCorrupt Dictatorship“By The People For The People”
2.The Republic of Camberus 780Authoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
3.The Republic of PrardaCorrupt Dictatorship“Unity, Discipline, Work”
4.The Republic of Camberus 145Iron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Freedom”
5.The Republic of AriemPsychotic Dictatorship“Peace and Justice”
6.The Republic of NamdomaAuthoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
7.The Republic of Camberus 617Iron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Freedom”
8.The Republic of Camberus 789Authoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
9.The Republic of Camberus 340Moralistic Democracy“Might Makes Right”
10.The Republic of Camberus 121Psychotic Dictatorship“Strength Through Freedom”
1234. . .137138»

Regional Happenings


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Post by Manilo suppressed by Valoptia.



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