Aureum locum is a Frontier. New nations may be founded here.

WA Delegate: The Moonmoon of Sitronaikon (elected )

Founder: Groknakioa

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 500th Most World Assembly Endorsements: 869th
World Factbook Entry

We are Aureum locum, Latin for "The golden place." With a mishmash of nations, both conservative and liberal, and everywhere in between, we're trying to grow our influence among the nations states. Just remember who got you here.

Lemonfur has no story

Rest in peace nation of Catbox, may you forever meow, and eventually return

Embassies: Fredonia, The Embassy, Hurricane 12, The Germanic isles, Florida, The Faroe Islands, Guinea Kiribati, The Liberation Army, Mitteleuropa, and Pecan Sandies.

Tags: Anime, F7er, FT: FTLi, FT: STL, Frontier, Generalite, Governorless, LGBT, Large, Multilingual, P2TM, Steampunk, and 1 other.Theocratic.

Aureum locum contains 56 nations, the 500th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Patriotic in Aureum locum

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Aureum locum is ranked 10,682nd in the world for Most Patriotic.

1.The Republic of SSN8Iron Fist Consumerists“Erin Go Bragh”
2.The Republic of St Joe National ForestIron Fist Consumerists“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
3.The Rouge Red Republic of TortuganNew York Times Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
4.The Deep Sea Barfighter of JetsamRight-wing Utopia“You shaid wha'?”
5.The Republic of Trinity National ForestMoralistic Democracy“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
6.The Republic of PoppinIron Fist Consumerists“Glory to laboring”
7.The People's Republic of Union of Federative Soviet RepublicsPsychotic Dictatorship“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
8.The Armed Republic of ShorareniInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Subservient to Kelton, Subservient to Christ”
9.The Garrison of The 106th Ecalpan RegularsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“敬天愛人”
10.The Federal Republic of Fvv397Iron Fist Consumerists“Rado”

Regional Happenings


Aureum locum Regional Message Board


Russia but better v2

who else imprisons people that breathe in their country?

Russia but better v2

r u guys alive

The Moonmoon of Sitronaikon

Russia but better v2 wrote:r u guys alive

I am still alive

Frogman sim

11 hours ago: Gatorlandia ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
23 hours ago: Lonaia ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
23 hours ago: Dylan land ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
23 hours ago: Freedom town ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
1 day 23 hours ago: Verde tierra ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
2 days 23 hours ago: Cb chidobe awuzie ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
3 days 11 hours ago: Mytonadards ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
3 days 23 hours ago: W090ihuyvgqjhbjn ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
3 days 23 hours ago: Hot wome ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
4 days ago: Russia in 1488 ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
4 days ago: Dormir ceased to exist in Aureum locum.
5 days ago: Endriahous ceased to exist in Aureum locum.

Russia but better v2

Im so pro

The Protectorate of RoaksSoaks

lemonfur has no story

The Moonmoon of Sitronaikon

RoaksSoaks wrote:lemonfur has no story


Frogman sim

lemonfur has no story

The Moonmoon of Sitronaikon

Rest in peace, Catbox. You lived just long enough to get your own card, but then ceased to exist. You were the cutest regional officer ever in Aureum Locum.

The Moonmoon of Sitronaikon

Groknakioa wrote:Ive heard of discord kittens but not nationstates kitsunes

Apparently Fox girls was an alt of Discord-kittens, they both got deleted

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