
Region: Geopolity


The Seventh Federative Republic of Flourishing Southlands

Zeleniya wrote:The Foreign Office

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Zeleniya

The Brazilian Restoration and Salvation Council extends its compliments to the Foreign Office of Zeleniya.

The Council assures the Zeleniyan authorities and the family of Mr Vrangel that it is exhausting resources to ensure the missionary's safe return and combat the so-called "Third Republic of Counani". It is working closely with the Polícia Civil do Estado do Amapá and Polícia Militar do Estado do Amapá to initiate a manhunt for the perpetrators, though such efforts may be confounded by the fact that over 70% of the state is uninhabited and undeveloped jungle.

There is no indication that the missionary has experienced any physical harm as of yet.

Input from the Special Investigations Division of the Zeleniyan National Police Agency is welcomed.

The Council avails itself of this opportunity to renew the assurance of its highest consideration.
