
Region: The Fallout Wasteland


The Maria's Apostles of Santiago AU

Elijah's Paradise
With the Vertibird project completed and in Raul's fairly capable hands, Veronica decided it was time to switch hobbies. She began tinkering with a relic that Elijah had left behind in his bunker - a fully operational Sierra Madre Vending Machine, a pre-war wonder of miraculous operation. Well, near-miraculous, anyway. A marriage of fission and fusion technology, able to transmute any material into any other material, into any shape desired - so long as fissile material was provided to start the reaction. Matter recombination.

She'd tinkered with it a little before - figured out how to replicate the chips with some scrap metal and a fission battery. She theorized that perhaps even the fissile material could be omitted, so long as the machine was hooked up to a powerful enough power source, but she'd never had the time to test that theory. Well, at least until now, in her spare time. Now she would try to unlock the machine's secrets - maybe even so she could replicate it.

The possible applications of this miracle technology were endless. With the right power source, it could serve as a near-infinite source of resources, singlehandedly eliminating scarcity, providing everything a society might need. Indeed, Veronica's regular donations of meds to the Followers at Old Mormon Fort came from this little machine - every month, producing a month's worth of stimpaks and med-X and bandages and antiseptic. And it could do other things - she'd programmed it to produce the hard-to-find parts to repair her power armor, wave/particle diverters for laser rifles, even viable seeds that now grew in pots on the windowsill - sh*t, did she remember to water them today? - Imagine a prosperous New Vegas that didn't need to siphon caps from the NCR in order to survive - caps that were almost immediately sent back for the food and manufactured consumer goods that New Vegas didn't (and really couldn't) provide for itself.

In many ways, it boggled her mind that this technology had existed before the bombs dropped, and had been little more than a World's Fair curiosity. Then again, she supposed, that was the real tragedy of the Resource Wars. America had invented everything it needed to be self-sufficient, to meet all of humanity's needs, even in a world devoid of resources - microfusion that used the literally most abundant gas in planet, robots that could perform menial tasks and dangerous ones that humans couldn't, medical devices capable of healing nearly every disease - and yet it still fought to keep the last of the oil all to itself, and didn't even bother to share the technology with those that it had once called its friends.

Kinda like a certain order she'd once been a part of, huh...
Industry 10 start research.
