
Region: Elparia


The Cheese Obsessed Republic of Storalia

(This article was originally posted on March 5th, 1973, on Koraamo, a newswire service operating out of Anersiko. It has been republished to coincide with the public release of Kaata ti Kansaani, a five part documentary serial focusing on the decline of Storal isolationism.)

Savika Pyori, who was Koyra from 1962 to 1964, died from complications related to cancer during the night. His short, controversial term was a pivotal moment in history, representing the last hurrah of Storal's isolationist factions, which had dominated politics since the early 1890s.

Despite presiding over such a critical time, Savika was an unlikely candidate to become Koyra, being third in line for the head of the left-wing Independent Storal party. He assumed leadership of the party following a freak accident which wiped out leader Naviike Taran and deputy leader Woyke Lalske a mere week before an election the pair were scheduled to lose by a narrow margin.

While initially liked by the public thanks to his more moderate positions compared to the party's previous leadership, his accession to both head of the party, and Koyra, unsealed a decade of factional infighting lurking just below the surface of Independent Storal. Following a diplomatic blunder, several resignations, and the collapse of Maaro's industrial sector in 1963 (partially attributed to a failed compromise brokered by Pyori), Independent Storal rapidly and explosively disintegrated in early 1964, paving the way for a landslide loss in a snap election dominated by scandals.

Independent Storal, Pyori's Legacy, and what's left of Storal's once prolific isolationist ideals live on through Independent New Storal, a minor party with a mere seventeen seats in the Storal Ka'Aska.

Savika Pyori leaves behind a wife, a father, and two children. The Storal Ka'Aska has decreed that a festival celebrating his passing shall be held three months from now in Storalis, as per tradition.

Reporting by Ivei Taran; Writing & Editing by Taro Saafoye.

