
Region: Selene


The Federal States of The Union of Albany

Unjust Peace, Part X
NH Magistrate’s Manor

The lights came on, the audio mics were tested. In a navy pantsuit with an Albanese flag lapel pin, Acting President Wilson looked all the part of a President. White hair styled in what would have been common to most of Vesta in the 1950s but never fell out of Albanese favor. The holopromptor was being positioned in her eyeline. Everything looked perfect, picture perfect.

“3… 2… 1…” her chief of staff motioned for her to begin.

“Citizens, President Martha Prescott is recovering well and is going to be moved to Christine Plath Memorial Hospital in New Haven now that the worst of her condition seems to have passed. Doctors believe the President should make a full recovery. As of this morning, Martha Prescott regained consciousness and passed a series of tests meant to determine whether she had sustained damage to her cognitive abilities or memory and thankfully they concluded she is mentally sound.” She paused before continuing.

“I am naming Julianne Vanderock as Acting Vice-President until President Prescott can assume the presidency again. Senator Vanderock has served Braxton for 10 years in Congress and 4 years as Governor before that. I believe her experience will prove invaluable at this time. Additionally Albany will for the time being refuse intervention forces from non-Commonwealth or aligned nations. As such I am formally requesting the removal of drones by the Franconia Empire, Mydic Forces as soon as possible. The Union with its Commonwealth Allies is more than capable of standing firm. We appreciate the assistance at the time.” The removal of VA aligned forces was becoming paramount as anti-VA sentiment was beginning to run high. Rumors had become common public thought as they sought to blame someone for the mutiny’s boldness.

“Furthermore the Union of Albany continues to call on the Mydic Empire’s new government under Archon Xedes to fulfill their promise of a new referendum in Egia. As partners a solution can and will be found together. We will maintain a military exclusion zone around the archipelago of Albanese and Commonwealth assets to prevent any unwanted incidents.” Already Albany has ensured a large several hundred kilometer exclusion zone.

“I’m announcing that all low level participants in the Temperance Mutiny will be pardoned. Independent investigations will be conducted to root out anyone suspected of having committed war crimes or other crimes during the conflict. The officers and lead conspirators will be tried as planned.” That would bring the total number of defendants down from 46,000 or so to about 500-700 depending on if any war crimes investigations turn up evidence.

“Addressing the outbreak of political violence across our continent I say to our friends and partners that the Union’s vast intelligence apparatus is here to assist in tracking down suspects and helping to prevent further violence. We stand ready to prevent any further violence. Citizens stay safe and updates will come in the next few days as we continue to rebuild. Thank you all and God bless you.” The screens flickered off and the red light disappeared. A few technicians hustled about the office and began taking the holopads out. Acting President Wilson stood and walked out the doors onto a balcony. The view was New Haven’s skyline set against the dark calm Providence Sea. The shimmering lights seemed like diamonds among the night. A sensation of hope was taking Albany away from its troubled time.

