
Region: The Communist Bloc



New Astri wrote:well i will be real with you this demonstrates that you do not understand racism! a white guy estimating that very few white people are racist indicates only that you don't know how to spot racism because you've never experienced it, not that very few of us are racist. racism is in fact wildly prevalent. racism also takes many forms, many of which are quite easy to hide. not every demonstration of racism involves a slur. we don't need "non-racists in power," we need anti-racists, because anything short of anti-racism activism is complacency. calling systematic problems easy to solve is also just frankly absurd. they're deeply entrenched, life-ruining, and will be incredibly difficult to root out.

you can't "agree to disagree" your way out of suggesting that the solution to social oppression is to make 0 social change. societal oppression exists because of systematic and interpersonal bigotry. going "but what if we just solved everything economically" only serves to detract from what minorities know will bring social progress. you can't instruct people to just look away from oppression and hope a hypothetical economic revolution magically solves it.

Again we have very different interpretations of how to solve a problem. And frankly what is to say that either one is right. Perhaps we are so in tangled in our own experiences that we are blinded by the truth.

Also I have many friends, not all white, who think the same thing as I do. Different opinions creates different ideologies, something I am willing to accept. Not all think like I do. I understand that. But you, despite all of your likely excellent qualities need to learn a valuable lesson I learned a long time ago. I am me I am going to formulate an opinion based solely on my experiences, education, upbringing, etc. I accept that I might not hold an opinion that is popular, an opinion that is considered “normal”, but that does not mean that I am wrong. You saying that my opinion is “wrong” solely because it does not line up with somewhat typical political thinking is not necessarily fostering an atmosphere of free thought. One must understand that their worldview is not absolute, it may be wrong. And don’t think that I’m dismissing your view, I do consider the potential paradox in my belief. But nevertheless it is mine to have. So yes this is a agree to disagree situation, just like any other debate on this earth.
