
Region: Selene


The Federal Union of Mydic Empire

:Mydic Chronicle:

Basileus Leto has reached out to the Franconian (Franconia Empire) government recently according to sources close to the administration of Archon Galanis. The personal expression of interest in hosting the Franconian Empress at Adrio Island has been seen as a concerted effort by the Imperial Household to attempt to help stabilize the Franconian Empire's image both internally and externally with ongoing situations causing a disruption across the board. The report even stated that the Basileus was on an hour long phone conference with members of the Galanis Administration essentially in disagreement about hosting the Empress at this time as the Federal Administration's position appears to be one of cautious political perception as hosting Empress Xemptoworth would be seen in conservative circles as potentially exposing the Empire to criticism and favoritism.

The Palace confirmed the report and stated that the visit would considered a private affair without the press and without government agenda items and discussions to allow for the Empress and the Basileus along with family members some much needed relaxation and privacy.

Adrio Island is a small private island entirely owned by the Imperial Family off the north coast. The island is 16mi2 and other than the ruins of a few fishing huts and what was an ancient palace, there is a sprawling forest with the modern palace, the Clay Palace as it is referred to is was constructed in 1906 after Emperor Georgios I bought the island form the Di Marro family from Paxus. The sprawling villa palace overlooks a private hidden cove that only has a cliff archway as an entrance. The staff for the island rotate every month out of the palace's staff quarters and back to the nearby community of Pliniakria.
