
Region: The East Pacific



Lahnhof wrote:Autonomie für Alle

A gathering is being conducted in the Landtagsgebäude in Rötstadt, the traditional and official meeting place of the Landtag, the national parliament of Lahnhof, in the city of Rötstadt between all members of the Lahnhofer Landtag, despite this, it was more like a meeting between the Konservative Partei von Lahnhof (KPL) and the Liberale Partei von Lahnhof (LPL), the two major political parties of the Königreich. Prime Minister Karl Jakob von Richter-Glehn announced his support for an autonomous gau in Seranian-majority areas and the recognition of Seranian culture as separate from Lahnhofer culture. These 'Seranian-majority regions,' as they called them, consisted of the lands of Gau Wittingsgau, southwestern Gau Ären and southern Gau Zürges. Prime Minister Richter showed countless photos and video evidence of the Seranian desire to be recognised by the Lahnhofer government and, indeed, they were many. For example, the gauhauptstadt of Wittingsgau, Günsbrück, has been experiencing a surge in Seranian nationalism, something that could not be ignored lest it develops into violent insurrections.

The KPL is currently against the proposal and their allies of the coalition Neuzeit! has been in agreement with the KPL. Further points by Prime Minister Richter seemed to sway a good few of the MPs in the more right-wing parties, especially the Nationale Volkspartei (N-VP), infamous for having a long history of having a tenuous relationship with their allies in Neuzeit! Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's party and government majority, the LPL, is in full support of the proposal and so are some their allies the Sozialdemokratische Partei (SD-P) and Die Grünen. A vote is to be held soon, however, right now, the Landtagsgebäude is indecisive.

With great autonomy comes naming the regional capital, region name and drawing up the borders.

Terrabis-Seran, Osterreich und ungarn, and The death syndicate
