
Region: Selene


The Free and Open Peoples of Franconia Empire

Breaking: Reminints of Tropical Storm Audrey are pushing out of Golden Cliffs, but Hurricane Barney is well on its way. As of right now, the Emperial Meteorlogical Society has issued Hurricane warnings for the entire Southern Coast of the Main Island, all of Protector Isle, and South Protector Isles. Barney is a Category 3 storm and has gusts of up to 145 mph and a current average wind speed of 120 mph. The Meteorlogical Society has advised everyone in the storm's path to evacuate immediately. Over 15 million people are going to be affected, power outages and tornadoes are likely. Flooding will continue. After the storm, Emergency crews and and the NHS will be there to assist in any medical needs. The Franconia Emperial Red Shield has said they will always be there in time of need as well. They will be handing out food, clothing, and offering temporary shelter at University of North Franconia (UNF) schools located all across the Northern and Southern Empire. Be prepared and evacuate immediately. It is important to remain calm while evacuating. Do not go near downed power lines, flooded underpasses, or go out during the midst of the storm. Stay strong, Franconia.

-FENN News.

Justinian Kalominos, Mydic Empire, The union of ameriga, and Khaledonia
