
Region: Northern Utopia


The Federal Socialist Republic of Astana-Anders

Joseph is sulking in his apartment bedroom. His head is lowered like a punished dog. He then slaps himself in the face and stands up. "NO! I refuse to go out like this! I cannot sulk around eating fancy chips while the people are suffering at the hands of this fascist! I need to help my people in anyway I can! But how?" Joseph sits down on his bed thinking. His head turns toward the desk with a microphone and a radio. His eyes light up, that radio has an international channel. He grabs the microphone and the headphones and begins to create speak a message. He learn how to do that back in his days in the technological wing of the military.

"Sovereign leaders of Northern Utopia! This is Joseph Vargas, Lord President in exile currently residing in North Electrica! I tell you this with both a warning and a request. For the warning, tread carefully around Blue Harper and his fascist state of my homeland. If I know Blue Harper which I do, he is a man of repetition! He will use chemical weapons, aerial combat and bombardment to weaken your nations resolve and resources then he will use your nations immigrants and tourists as leverage in order to disway your nation from attacking! Be prepared! Assure your nations that they will survive anything and be prepared to put your alert at the highest level and issue state-manted chemical masks and put people in bomb shelters in order to avoid civilian casualties!

Now is time for my requests! Mr. Harper has said that any nation that does not recognize his regime and any nation that publically comdames him will result in war! Do not falter with that message! I request that all foreign governments only recognizes the parliament and Lord President in exile as the only legitimate government of Astana-Anders! By doing so we will make him feel even more isolated! I also request that every nation sink Anderian trade vessels heading toward Greater autenheim! We cannot allow 2 fascist governments to even think about forming an alliance and help each other! My final request is that all foreign governments set up a meeting with representatives of each different allied nation to figure out what shall we do for this war! I have now declare that any and all nations who help me will have "official ally" status! I ask that the leader of The Soviet state of Svalbard allow us to hold a meeting there for you are the only neutral nation that Harper will not attack! If you cannot do that then I ask the leader of North Electrica to follow my request! That is all, do not give up hope my fellow citizens, I will do everything in my power to rescue you! That is all! For Equality and Progress! Long Live Astana-Anders!

Joseph ends the transmission there.
