
Region: The Fallout Wasteland


New franken

Liberated New Arizona wrote:The Guard looked the ambassador over and nodded.

Guard: "Certainly. The master is a busy man and the Empire always demands more but i am certain he will be willing to see you. Right this way."

The Guard led Ambassador Fischer through the Capital building and Knocked on the door to the Master's office before opening the Doors and letting the Ambassador in.

Master: "Ah! Good to see you Ambassador! I hope the Empire is treating you well enough! Please, Please have a seat!"

The Master Gestured to the Chair in front of the desk and poured two glasses of Wine setting one before the Ambassador.

Master: "How may I help you?"

Fischer: "Ah your excellency, I'm relieved to see you. I see the rumors of your death are greatly exaggerated. By request of the Führer we would like to create a closer relationship."
