
Region: The North Pacific


The Happy New Hamsters 🐹 of The Democratic Kingdom Of Skaraborg

King Oscar sat down at his desk and wrote until his fingers ached. Even though he wasn’t happy with the letter he had no better ideas of what to write. He didn’t ask any advisors for help; he wanted the text to come from his heart. Once he finished the letter he immediately sent the letter and could hardly sleep the following nights. He was worried about the fact that it might not arrive, the Skaraborgian mail service had been shambles lately, and what Guinecu’s reaction would be.
Dear Guinecu,
There are times when I’ve got to prioritise other people and other things in this strange world. The Haymitch case has really put me off and my focus has been on the case. I was too afraid of losing Haymitch that I might’ve gone too far and only thought what I think we should do, not your opinion. Even though I am saddened by the fact that you left the search group I somewhat feel like you did the right decision. It was like a wake up call for me and made me realise how much I have forgotten about, not only you, but my family and other close friends.

I would like to thank you for waking me up from what could’ve become an even worse nightmare. You made me a favour by telling me how lonely you felt and how unsupportive and ignorant I have been. I understand how tough it must be standing on the sidelines, trying to get your voice heard but you are completely ignored. It wasn’t my intention but it is good that you tell me this so I know how wrong I did things. Merci milles fois!

I would also like to apologise for my recent actions even though leaving pacifism somewhat feels right. I know you care a lot about peace but leaving the pacifist nine was both because of a very militaristic Pigeonstan and taking stance from some actions made from the other pacifist nations. My ideology will always stay pacifism though. We should not lose friendship because of this and we shouldn’t leave each other in these dark times. I feel like a worn out soul. The last traumatic days have been too much for me and it diverted my focus totally from you.
I beg for your pardon for my mistakes.

Although I admit that what I did was wrong I think that I shouldn’t be completely equal when devoting time with my friends. Sometimes I need to focus on other friends (Haymitch) more than other friends (you). Greatly was having a tough time and I needed to try and help more than I even needed during the TSU-Greatly regime. Your nation is not experiencing those types of things at the moment and therefore I need to concentrate more on Greatly. Sometimes I might need to concentrate more on Republica Guilleana and in the end I think both you and Haymitch would’ve received about the same amount of time with me.

Don’t worry that you are losing another friend. I think both of us need each other during these times and you’re welcome to stay over at Läckö Castle during your holidays. There is always room for you. Mentally, if you left me, I would hardly have any chance to do my work and it might be the same for you. Please stay friends with me. I need you more than you can ever imagine.
Yours sincerely
King Oscar III
