
Region: Union of Democrats



Campaign Advertisement
(Latiouthel Campaign)

Worker in the UoD: I had suffered from poor working conditions , low wages and unfair trade deals. All politicians want a centralized Government only accountable for themselves , but when I knew and saw latiouthel , I know he's a person who works and is just ordinary as one of us , he's the Foreign Affairs Minister but he cares for the workers ,they say that he does nothing but he does something that most of us can't see , that's why I am for latiouthel , cause he's the Good One!

latiouthel : I had been an advocating for many years fairness , fairness in work and trade deals , currently the UoD is very Fractured and my plan is to make it fair. Fair for everyone , fair for citizens and fair deals not just for the sake of the few , I want it equal , I want it fair.

Latiouthel For Vice President
"He doesn't care about Politics, He cares about Service!"
Cause you know he's the Good One!

I am latiouthel and I approve this message.

This Campaign Advertisement is Paid by latiouthel for latiouthel For Vice President Campaign.
