
Region: Union of Democrats


Republic of rajputana

Republic of rajputana wrote:I wish to add a few points in your constitution/rulebook to avoid problems in future.

1. Founder will be the only responsible person during WAD Elections. (As is followed since the last 4 WAD Elections)

2. Only nations who are residing in the region for more than 2 weeks, before the commencement of WAD Election, and have a WA tag are eligible voters/candidates of the WAD Election. (As is followed since the past 3 WAD Elections)

Cc: Clovena, Fdryden, Ohino, Latiouthel

The rules are made to ensure nations don't invest their WA tag in some other region and acquire the same on UoD's puppet nation during elections. It will be unfair to WA nations residing in the region since a long time.
