
Region: The Fallout Wasteland


The Railroad of Grand Enclave

Quartermaster Queries II


The Quartermaster General's office has released its most recent assessment of the U.S. Armed Forces Command East's military stockpiles.

Quartermaster General's Note: Jack, you might wanna think about slowing down the production of those C-130s. We built 23 of them in three months, that's way faster than we need them and it's eating up materials fast. By the end of the year we'll have made enough for both us and Armed Forces West to fly missions all around the world. Meanwhile we still can't make vertibirds or power armor fast enough to replace losses. We can't wait too long on this, Jack, sooner or later this is gonna bite us in the *ss.

V-02 "Vertibird": 118
TA-01 Power Armor: 672
TA-02 Power Armor: 24
T-45d Power Armor: 326*
T-51b Power Armor: 89 **
CC-01 Power Armor: 2***
M7 Sherman Armored Car: 133
MW-1 Predator Battle Walker: 110
Trucks: 10 still awaiting conversion
C-130: 24
C-47 Skytrain: 7 in operation, 16 awaiting conversions

Sentry Bots: 140
Mr. Gutsy: 43
Assaultrons: 64
Mr. Handies: 264
Liberators: 2,420****
Eyebots: 50

M16 Assault Rifles: 10,000
Advanced Sniper Rifle: 50
Plasma Defenders: 100
Urban Plasma Rifles: 56,200
M42 Plasma Autorifles: 1,152
Missile Launchers: 1,152
Fat Man Launchers: 52
M227 105mm Railgun Artillery: 38

*Used by the Engineer Corps.
**Used by units formerly aligned with the Circle of Steel
***General Delaney's personal suits from his time in the Commonwealth.
****You still haven't switched these off. If you're gonna keep making them, at least figure out a role for them in the BCT. I suppose they're useful short-distance reconnaissance that's easier to camoflauge, but do we really need this many of them?
