
Region: The North Pacific


Chinese rebel

Aerilia wrote::O

That's the most glorious ping I have ever seen

Deerfenland, you have to look at this ping...

Was everything about zazumo true

Xeosia later wrote:So my family owns chicks, as pets, and so I'm sitting at the computer one day, and I hear something flapping it's wings. I'm like "what the bloody hecc is that?" I turn around just in time to watch a chick safely land on the floor after flying three heccin' feet. I put them back in their enclosure. and an hour later I'm eating a taco bell burrito. Then I hear flying again. This time the baby chicken lands on my desk, where I have my PC, and stares at me. We look at eachother for some seconds and then I pick them up and put them back in their enclosure. I am very sure I just heard it flying again though.

