
Region: The East Pacific



All dates/times shown in the images are OOC.
These Tweets are made using the app "Fake Tweets" Android app by Replayy Utils.
Feel free to copy/use this this idea for your own nation if you like.
Accounts you'll see in these Tweets:
@Nieveland - This is the government. Tweets to the official government Twitter have to be approved by at least 25% of the Nievelandic Assembly. (forgive me, my Spanish is bad)
@NieveNews - This is a non-government associated source of news meant to be unbiased.
@Nieveland_OF - This is an anti-government organization and source of news.
@Pixel8ed_Nerd - For the record, this is my actual Twitter, but here it's used to represent actual people of Nieveland.
@TeamNieveEsport - National eSports organization/team.
@NieveTech - National tech company.
@Sol_City_Police - Police of the national capital. Will probably only be seen during riots/protests.

Read factbook

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| 1 new Tweet from @Pixel8ed_Nerd. |

Western pakistan
