
Region: The North Pacific



Sunaiya wrote:

Zakiron retired to his room for the night after the visit from Aozora and Solordiar was finished, still restless from the events earlier with Hikari... He would have nightmares and only four hours of decent sleep, but he was determined to visit Yurizuisenzoku and find Hikari as fast as he could. He woke up his Advisor of State, Jian Origumi, before the first rays of the morning even arrived for Sunaiya.

"Jian, I'm going to the Empire of Yurizuisenzoku. It is important to the future of the Imperial Family. I am leaving the Empire in the hands of the Council until I come back." He calmly stated to Jian, who couldn't do much more than groggily nod back.

"Just be careful out there, Zakiron. This world can be a very hurtful place..." The ever-wise and cautious Jian replied.

And so Zakiron rode horseback towards his private plane hanger, where his ISA Type 43J Fighter (a hold-over from the 'previous Empire' by special request, despite its design being 24 years older than their current technological time-frame) was held. He took little time jumping from being a horse rider to a prop fighter pilot, and once up in the air, began flying at high speed towards the Yurizuisenzokujin mainland.

Nearly three and a half hours would pass before Zakiron made initial contact with an intercepting defensive fighter group from that nation. When asked why he approached them without prior contact, he made his intentions pure and known.

"I am Zakiron Tsune, the Emperor of Sunaiya, and I'm here to find Hikari Mafornicae, your Kuro Tenshi, and my fiance!"

Forests of Katsuragi

"Where am I..." Hikari asked.

"My little playground, sweetie." Akari said with a smile. "Teehee! Do you like it? I hope you do," she continued.

"It's peaceful here..." Hikari replied, still under the control of the demon.

"But not me... I'm so sad." Akari's eyes glowed red and choked the fallen tenshi. Hikari coughed- wheezed- and needed air. But since she was hypnotized, she cannot do anything else. The demon giggled insanely and slammed her into a tree.


Hikari's head bled. She regained consciousness instantaneously but she sustained a laceration on the back of her head as she hit the tree with a great force. Defenseless, she just sat down in defeat, still bleeding. A furious Akari then dashed towards her and shook her wildly.

"I SAID, ENTERTAIN ME!! DON'T BREAK ON ME! I'VE HAD SO MANY TOYS AND THEY ALL BROKE! YOU WILL ENTERTAIN ME AND THAT'S IT! UNDERSTAND!?" she shouted. Hikari cried and nodded, before vomiting after she was shook wildly.

At Hokusei, Megumi felt her sister's grief. Much to her shock, Hikari was gone and nowhere to be found. While Aika and Nagae were busy talking, Megumi dashed and interrupted their talk.

"Excuse me, Empress, and Lady Nagae: but Hikari is missing!"

"WHAT!?" Nagae and Aika said in unison, shocked.

"Tell me that is not true!" Aika continued.

"It is!" Megumi replied. Nagae closed her eyes. "She's been... captured..." she said. "By... Tsubasa..."

Silence and grief filled the air of the Imperial Palace. At the skies of the Empire, F-15YZ fighters intercepted the Sunaiyan warplane. After it stated its purpose, the fighter group initially refused. But after knowing it was from an allied nation, they let it land on, luckily, Hokusei Airport, which was a few kilometers from the Imperial Palace. Hikari was captured, and she had became Akari's playtoy... of death.

Territorio di Nessuno, Great solordia, Lotion Empire, Sunaiya, and 1 otherVarola
