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Kindjal was Commended by Security Council Resolution # 298
Most Compassionate Citizens: 1stLowest Crime Rates: 1stLargest Governments: 1st
The Queendom of
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights
Political Freedom
Very Good

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population47.626 billion



The Queendom of Kindjal is a gargantuan, cultured nation, ruled by Kindjal with an even hand, and renowned for its keen interest in outer space, restrictive gun laws, and stringent health and safety legislation. The compassionate, cheerful population of 47.626 billion Kindjalis enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level of social equality free from the usual accompanying government corruption.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, liberal, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Environment, and Healthcare. The income tax rate is 100%.

The gigantic but sluggish Kindjalian economy, worth an astonishing 10,228 trillion kins a year, is driven almost entirely by government activity, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is extremely specialized, is mostly made up of the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Book Publishing. State-owned companies are the norm. Average income is an amazing 214,757 kins, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

A degree in Kindjal Science with a Minor in Awesomeology starts many political careers, census workers struggle to account for the rapidly increasing number of citizens to tabulate, military equipment is being auctioned off to extend comatose centenarians' lives, and nature reserves often contain artificial waterfalls and concrete paths. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Kindjal's national animal is the cat, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Kindjal is ranked 3rd in the world and 1st in Groland for Smartest Citizens, with 809.24 quips per hour.

Most Compassionate Citizens: 1stLowest Crime Rates: 1stLargest Governments: 1stMost Beautiful Environments: 1stMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 1stMost Pacifist: 1stHighest Average Tax Rates: 1stSafest: 1stNicest Citizens: 1stBest Weather: 2ndSmartest Citizens: 3rdLongest Average Lifespans: 5thHealthiest Citizens: 6thHighest Food Quality: 7thMost Inclusive: 7thMost Cheerful Citizens: 11thHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 17thLeast Corrupt Governments: 25thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 38thLargest Welfare Programs: 64thMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 83rdMost Advanced Public Transport: 83rdMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 104thMost Secular: 123rdLargest Populations: 128thMost Cultured: 187thMost Advanced Public Education: 212thMost Stationary: 238thMost Valuable International Artwork: 631stHighest Economic Output: 877thMost Scientifically Advanced: 1,312thMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 1,514thMost Influential: 1,519thMost Rebellious Youth: 1,566thHighest Poor Incomes: 2,536thTop
Highest Average Incomes: 9,039thMost World Assembly Endorsements: 11,923rdMost Income Equality: 12,049th
Most Compassionate Citizens: 1st in the regionHighest Economic Output: 1st in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 1st in the regionLargest Welfare Programs: 1st in the regionMost Scientifically Advanced: 1st in the regionHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 1st in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 1st in the regionLeast Corrupt Governments: 1st in the regionLargest Governments: 1st in the regionMost Cultured: 1st in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 1st in the regionMost Advanced Public Education: 1st in the regionMost Beautiful Environments: 1st in the regionMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 1st in the regionHighest Food Quality: 1st in the regionSmartest Citizens: 1st in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 1st in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 1st in the regionMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 1st in the regionMost Pacifist: 1st in the regionHighest Average Tax Rates: 1st in the regionHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 1st in the regionSafest: 1st in the regionMost Inclusive: 1st in the regionNicest Citizens: 1st in the regionMost Valuable International Artwork: 1st in the regionMost Extensive Civil Rights: 1st in the regionBest Weather: 1st in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 1st in the regionMost Advanced Public Transport: 1st in the regionMost Influential: 1st in the regionLargest Populations: 1st in the regionMost Secular: 1st in the regionMost Stationary: 1st in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, nature reserves often contain artificial waterfalls and concrete paths.
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, military equipment is being auctioned off to extend comatose centenarians' lives.
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, census workers struggle to account for the rapidly increasing number of citizens to tabulate.
  • : Kindjal voted against the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "Reducing Light Pollution"".
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, a degree in Kindjal Science with a Minor in Awesomeology starts many political careers.
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, an aboriginal talking stick is used for leaders' debates at election time.
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, the government is ignoring the latest terrorist atrocities in Kindjal City for fear of causing a fuss.
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, Kindjalis submit requests for a date in writing with an enclosed RSVP card.
  • : Kindjal voted against the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "Recognition of the General Assembly"".
  • : Following new legislation in Kindjal, Kindjalian novella fans become unusually flustered when thinking about Kindjal.


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 2 » Khavvkhnsjnjiekh and Taumin.
