
Region: Union of Allied States


The Republican City of Sicias

Zetox wrote:Gazoo looks forward to our Chairman, Chairman [nation]South Waterford[/nation communication. Regarding your comment “that is where it will stop”, Gazoo won’t have the right to speech tarnish and will continue to the raise the issue and will campaign along others here in the Union for the language on the judiciary section in the draft be amended.

If it’s not changed, Gazoo will recommend a NO vote.


I don't think Eco meant we were planning on taking your free speech away. However A majority of the region recognizes the need for reform, Including not having an all powerful member of the judiciary.

I get you don't like losing some of your power, but a true republic cannot have a Single member of the judiciary without any checks on their power.

Vote no all you want, but this constitution will pass, and you whining about is starting to get on Eco's nerves (and my own frankly) as we have done all we can reasonably do to accommodate you.
