
Region: Universum Aethereum


United helgha

Steel and Ice II

Location: Schützen South Pole…

Directive: Secure Malekite crash site…

Rules of engagement: Extermination…

Details: Task force 55-5 made up of a Gefroren infantry contingent and a company of Schützens 7th Planetary Defense Titan Division (7-PDTD) are to locate, contain, and exterminate any and all Malekite life forms.

Captain Wolfe leaned forward in his command chair and yelled over the screaming of alarms, “Full retreat, all units retreat to checkpoint Charles!” Just then a house sized chunk of ice slammed into the back of his titan, forcing Wolfe to strain his entire body in order to keep the behemoth upright. His weapons officer cursed as he slammed his fists on the console before him, “We’re out of HE snub rockets, we’ll have to switch to direct fire cannons. Tell engineering to maintain power to the shields or we’ll be crumpled!”

Outside the metal confines of the titan all hell was breaking loose. Captain Wolfes titan with its signature wolf head painted in white on its hull was still holding its own, but the rest of his company was quickly faltering. The once fourteen strong company was now down to ten units, with one Puma class limping its way back to friendly lines already. Communications Officer Bivvo rocked in his chair as another sheet of ice slammed down from above, “All titans are reporting either casualties or equipment failure. Captain, we aren’t retreating fast enough!”

Wolfes eyes stared blankly ahead into his main viewing screen, only silence ringing in his ears. He watched the titans under his command stoically fend off the increasing Malekite masses, many of them showing signs of damage. The Jolly Otto with its green and white striped hull stumbled under a falling ice sheet and went down on one knee, it’s shoulder mounted heavy cannons crushed by the weight of the ice slamming into them. Captain Erica Sütes voice crackled in Wolfes ear, “Wolfe, it’s time to leave! I’ll stay and hold these bugs back and you lead the remaining titans.”

Wolfes eyes twitched back and fourth as he watched another titan, a Puma class christened Junes Love, fall under the weight of a wave of Gaunts. Their seething mass exploding outward suddenly as the Puma’s Captain must have overcharged its ARK reactor. Captains Reedstiens Panther with its blood red hull lumbered to the smoldering remains of the Puma and stepped on a Gaunt trying to crawl away with only its upper torso remaining. “Not one step back, not one life wasted, fight and die for your planet!” Reedstiens deep voice boomed over their comms network.

Wolfe felt a sharp pain in his leg and looked to his leg mounted cameras, finding a mass of the aliens repeatably stabbing into the titans lightly armored joint with their countless mandibles He closed his eyes and felt his leg spasm as he initiated a cleansing burn, the titans leg engulfed in flames. He opened his bloodshot eyes and looked down to his communications officer, “Bivvo, order all units to full retreat. Disengage and follow my lead!” Their command bridge shuttered as the lights flicked to red. The titans head engineers voice echoed over the bridges speakers, “Don’t worry I’m just diverting more power to the weapon systems and shields.”

Major Giordano raised his head above the trench line and gazed through the snow fall blocking their scanners. Somewhere out there they could hear the distant echoes of battle, booms and pops rolled through the valley like the whispers of death to come. Liaison Anna poked her head up and asked, “They should have been here by now, why haven’t they hailed us again?” Giordano thought a moment and replied flatly, “They’re too busy fighting for their lives.” Anna grew quiet after that and followed the Majors gaze, nothing but a wall of snow meeting them.

“Titans spotted, the storms lifting a little!” A nearby soldier announced down the trench as he jogged by. Giordano and Anna peaked above the trench once more and Anna gasped quietly. Five battered titans slowly lumbered towards their entrenchments, the largest machine lagging behind as it walked backwards- firing all its weapon systems in a symphony of thunder. Wolfes voice crackled from Giordano’s radio clipped on his belt, “Get those plasma cannons back online, I don’t care if you have to crawl outside and do it yourself! ARK shields at 35% and falling, I need more power from the reactor!”

Down the trenches length infantry lifted their rifles into firing positions, the final wisps of the blizzards snow falling around them. Giordano watched with silent pride as his machine gun crews smoothly prepared their weapons, his rifleman’s steely gazes, even the young liaison Anna seemingly keeping her calm. His legion was born for this moment. Each and every man under his command had been trained from birth to fight in the harsh conditions of endless snow and ice, forged in the vast tundras of their home planet. Now was their time, the moment he had tried so hard to prepare them for.

Giordano hoisted himself up above the trench and drew his saber, holding it above his white winter cap. In a deep rumble his words flowed, “Men, this is your moment to show the enemy what awaits them. This is your moment to prove why you fight for not just yourselves, but for your brothers around you.” He took a deep breath and continued, “These ugly bugs do not know mercy, so we shall show no mercy! We shall show them who owns the ice, who came from its unforgiving womb, and who came out stronger on the other side! Today we fight, today we live, today we die!”

The valley roared with the sound of hundreds of soldiers chanting in unison, “Today we fight, today we live, today we die!” Giordano smiled wildly and pointed the tip of his saber towards the flood of Malekites rushing towards them, “With me, brothers, for Helgha, for the Empire!” His white cloak whipped around him as hundreds of rifles fired in unison, their tracers arching into the countless Malekites soon to be upon them. Giordano looked down to Anna and tossed her his radio, “Tell Wolfe hell awaits his pursuers.”
