
Region: Krillin


The Socialist Republic of Ejoland

Qassadia wrote:Glad tidings and salutations everyone!

With Christmas and the holidays that are to come ahead, I would like to extend my utmost wishes to everyone here to be of good cheer and most importantly, to spend these moments surrounded by one's dearest family and friends.

As such, I'd like to wish to everyone here Happy Holidays, Christmas and festive New Year : D

Gustatopolis wrote:I wish the same to everyone. I'm not a man of many words and not very creative with greetings, so I will just say Merry Christimas to you guys. Happy Holidays for all of us, it's not Christimas in my country yet, but since Qassadia began, I will make my greetings now.

Here in Sweden, Christmas has begun now. We celebrate already at Christmas Eve here, and we are also in an earlier timezone than Brazil.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Good Yule or whatever midwinter feast you may celebrate.
