
Region: The Great Wonderland


The Reborn Nation of Supreme Daein

Holy Altmoran Empire wrote:It's been quite an eventful few years for me. I'm holding up alright, and hope you have been as well. What have you been up to since we last interacted?

Glad to hear you have been doing alright! I'm doing quite okay myself like I said. Being an adult is not fun, manageable, but not fun. 😅
I've been mostly working, studying, managing relationships, personal finances and bills, and mental and emotional health. Lots of things to juggle. I wish I could go back to the slower and calmer days... 😭😭😭😭😭
But obviously, we can only go forward! 😊✊✊
And you mentioned you've had an eventful few years. What happened? If I may inquire. Hopefully some good news! 😊
