
Region: The Union of Fairer Nations



An inactive economy . An unstable government. A tanking population . Our we really in the position to want to see what more the MLP have to offer.

The Currant government have presided over one fo the most unsettled , declining and frankly tragic UFN terms in UFN history. How can we as responsible UFN citizens prop up this government has let this decline happen.

Political stability is something newcomers seek to the region and enables growth. 4 prime ministers , 2 home secratarys , 2 RP secratarys ; does this show stability? The answer is abundantly obvious. No.

There needs to be chaneg and there needs to change now.

Solidarity is a new party. A party for change , made up of two from the succsesful CFF period ,one from a steady start to the MLP and two newcomers. Perfect for the future. We have solidarity with you , the average UFN voter that this region deserves better. A new party. A better party. Solidarity.

Vote Solidarity now
**Spaa , Azaril , Turjakistan , Usiyera**
