
Region: The Free Nations Realm



Citizens Return to the Island

Citizens have been flocking back to the island in the weeks following Megalo Buono's eruption. After surveying the scenes, many realised they were lucky, as the damages were far less than predicted. By now the ash has mostly dissipated and the rock has cooled, and the people are already preparing to make tourist attactions out of the new rock formations. However, a few days ago, a large mourning event was held in the capital, where the people of the island mourned over those who stayed and lost their lives in the eruption, and the following tsunami. However, Tennemagma is back on track to continue forward, and no volcano can stop us!

To Orvos, or not to Orvos, that is the question...

After the eruption, there has been a new question surfacing after a significant lack of Orvosian aid to the island... "Does Orvos Benefit Tennemagma?". As social media has gotten back up and running, many islanders have been asking this question. Since Tennemagma reunified with its Sokratic brother on May 25, 2022, the only major changes that have occurred has been the establishment of an Orvosian naval base on the island, which many islanders are staunchly opposed to and openly despise. Many have begun advocating for the islands renewed independence from Orvos, but some have been forwarding an interesting question to Chiremba...

"What benefit does Tennemagma give to Orvos?"

The Orvosian Government's answer may determine the fate of the island...

Doctors Orvos
