
Region: Icor



Virrecich, Bingusell, Newirly, Chicken tenderland, Galgos italis, Klironia, you can start claiming on the map.


by Cetherack

Thanks Newirly for making this wonderful map.
Note: Marked areas are claimed. Prevent reclaiming those areas.

How to claim or expand?

1-Read the Expansion rules given below.
2- Mark the piece of land you want to claim or expand using a markup tool and post the image to Imgur or any such services. (maximum size=red marker above)
3-Share the Imgur link to Newirly using Telegram or you can DM me on Discord (DM#6277). If you can't do that, explain the part of map you want to expand and I will do it.
5- Give a proper reason why you want to expand.(ofcourse don't need to give reason to claim first time)

Expansion Rules

1- Expansion will be done every week.
2- Claim and first expansion will be the size of Kayestha.
3- All expansions after the first one will be the size of ½ of Kayestha.
4- Expansion limits are set for players not nations.
5- During war, conflicts or any other border change, two players can decide what borders they want to set and then report me.
6- If any two players are in conflict ooc, they can tag or Telegram Cetherack or Newirly and the problem will be solved. Cartographer shall have the final say.

If you have any doubts or queries related to the map, you can tag or Telegram Newirly or DM me on Discord (DM#6277).
Have a nice day:)
Read dispatch

10101010010101010000111010, Virrecich, Bingusell, and Newirly
