
Region: Cinderia


The Imperial Realm of Nickel Empire

Exaequatio wrote:Gas was over 5$ here, but went back down to around 4.20 (for reference it usually hovers around 2.20ish)

There has been a thing floating where it shows the top ten countries by oil production and the price of their gas is CAD/Liter. Canada is ranked 3rd in oil reserves with gas at 2.155/liter, which was the highest. US was ranked 9 in oil reserves and had the second highest gas prices at 1.582/liter. So gas is about a third more expensive in Canada. In my city gas is 1.79/liter and before the spike it was about 1.30/liter. Since his workforce has to travel to the jobsite my boss is going to be giving us a gas subsidy.

Exaequatio wrote:I thought that too. We need an Audrey II type of plant that lives in this region...

I have never heard of this "Audrey II". Seems quite horrifying. There is a tree in a game I've played that looks like a giant sagging root/tentacle however when you get too close to it it tries to whip/stab you with itself and is about 13-16 feet tall.
