
Region: Dreams of Good Hope



Aerlanica wrote:

Sarah grimaced and frowned.

"i don't have much good stories, sorry. Not many nowadays."

She sighed.
"Doesnt help it's humid as hell; how do you live like this? it's hot an humid you can barely breathe properly."

He shrugs softly, “You mean to tell me you don’t got any gills?” he snrks at his own joke, especially after the look Sarah gives him, “One grows up with and gets used to it… I guess..”

“You do seem a bit.. dehydrated, drinking more water will help. Especially if you’re not used to this climate.” Chimes in the medical staff.


North South North West Kansas wrote:

Kansas nods. “Okay, straight to the point. I’ll take it.” He takes another bite of his pancakes after dumping more syrup over them. “So... do you have any ideas of who you might want to open up to first?”

She takes a moment, soon letting out a sigh and shrug. “I’m.. not sure. You seemed the most.. calm and leveled… that’s why I came to you for this.”
Her blue eyes look down, “Everyone else is so… intense, especially with their fancy technologies.”
