
Region: Poschomenia


The United Crowned Democracy of Gonigsberg

Regional Poll:

Association of Common Nations (ACN) Resolution for Construction Project

Whereas, Ruwiziguta Transportation Works (RTW) has began the project for the region, inter alia, will bring economic opportunities who were part of the project, thus benefiting foreign mercantile industries.

Whereas, plans are thereby met, by at long last, will also comprehend the needs of new supplies of cargo airplanes; thus, the construction of aeronautic-related are heavily involved, for the aforementioned project.

Whereas, to reinforce environmental safety, by promoting new regulatory commission that will compromise the construction's effects, as it will bring environmental risk for wildlife. Aware of the impending expense, will have to be compromised by nations who are involved in the construction project.

Proposed by one of the founding member of Association of Common Nations (ACN), Gonigsberg. 2030 Future Vision.
