
Region: Confederation of Corrupt Dictators


The Republic of Manoblanca

The GCO Special Session, Malgina City, United Malginan States

“Emigdio Noguera, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Manoblanca, you may make your opening statement.”

“Thank you, President Ureña.”

The old diplomat steps up to the podium, clearing his throat

“Honorable Representatives, in the last few weeks, the Republic of Manoblanca and it’s people have been unfairly accused of causing economic instability in the Federation of the Mirindads, a neighboring country that I believed Manoblanca had a cordial relationship with. Clearly, I was wrong.

The President of the Federation has made many accusations against us, baseless accusations. Whether it be that we are purposely sending migrants to the Mirindads or the claim the Manoblanca’s government has collapsed, these claims have harmed our reputation on the international stage. I am here today to reaffirm what the President of Manoblanca has said already many times before; that Manoblanca is not responsible for this crisis, nor is its government collapsing.

Furthermore, I would like clarification on why the Mirinian coast guard vessel was in Manoblancan waters, and why it had surveillance equipment onboard. It makes it seem like this vessel was scouting Manoblanca for its defenses, to prepare for a potential invasion. I do hope that myself and my fellow countrymen at home are wrong, but the evidence is there.”

“Pardon my interruption Minister, but would you please show to the Assembly what evidence you may have?”

“Gladly, Señor Presidente.”

The Minister’s assistants prepare a projector to use, while the Assembly watches in silence. After a few minutes, the assistants step back, and the Minister starts presenting

“As you can see by these pictures, there are video cameras, maps of Manoblanca, and even a drone that I feel the Mirinians planned on using to get an aerial view of the island. Naval authorities are also in the process of questioning the detained crew for answers, but we have yet to get any from them.”

“Is that all Minister?”

“Yes, Señor Presidente.”

“Well then, thank you for that opening statement, we now ask you to step down from the podium and call forward the Mirinian delegation.”

The Mirinian Permanent Representative to the GCO, Maximino Meléndez, steps up to the podium

“Honorable Representatives, I am here today to prove the deception of the Republic of Manoblanca and its tyrannical president, Joaquin C. Juárez.

To begin, let us discuss the refugee crisis. Thousands have fled Manoblanca to neighboring nations, such as the Federation of the Mirindads, to prevent prosecution from the totalitarian government that has taken hold. These people have been forced from their homes by a dictatorship, and have caused a great deal of strain to the Federation’s government. These innocent souls deserve to be in their nation, free from the one-party state that has ruled over their islands for so long. Instead they are scattered, far away from home.

Nations are unable to cope with the amount of refugees that are fleeing Manoblanca, and many have simply turned them away because they are unable to provide for them. But the Federation hasn’t, as it is dear to our principles to welcome all into our nation should they need to. Our sympathy however, has caused massive damage to the Federation’s economy, and has also led to a large crime wave in our nation, as Manoblancans who can’t find work resort to stealing and killing to survive.

It is saddening that this crisis has started. The Federation and other neighboring nations have attempted to contact Manoblanca about the refugees, and yet we have had little progress in these negotiations.”

“Representative Melendez, we have heard this before, and while it is saddening to see, it is not our priority at the moment. Our priority now is to ease tensions between the Federation of the Mirindads and the Republic of Manoblanca, not to debate the refugee crisis. Please finish up your opening statement.”

“Of course, Señor Presidente. As you all know, a coast guard vessel belonging to the Federation of the Mirindads was detained unlawfully by the Republic of Manoblanca. We demand that it and it’s crew are returned to us immediately and that reparations for this incident are handed out to the crew’s families.”

“Thank you, Representative. The Assembly shall now be free to voice their opinions and to suggest a compromise.”


“I shall take the silence of the Assembly to mean that there is nothing the Assembly wishes to add. Very well then, the Assembly will now take an hour break and reconvene at…” Ureña checks his watch “… 1:00 PM today on the dot. Unless any Representative has anything to add, I will now dismiss the Assembly for this one hour break.”


“Very well then, the Assembly is dismissed.”

Hail the Confederation
