
Region: Outre Space


The Free Land of Bearzarro World

Regional Z-Day Results
Warning! Biohazard
Infected: 92.4% (2.00 billion zombies, 164 million survivors)
(Dead are only listed separately for each nation, but add up to around 15 billion.)
Cure: Prototypes Developed = Eldritch Empyrean, Bearzarro World, Asteroid Belt Communities.
Z-Rating: -5.1 Becoming Safe

I don't understand why this nation is listed among those that have developed a propotype for the cure: It wasn't given any instructions to do so... or, indeed, to do anything for Z-Day at all...
(Insert the"confused" smiley here)


23 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Bearzarro World, political scientists despair as the national mascot election eclipses all others in voter enthusiasm.
46 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Bearzarro World, gun shops sell hook hands and eye patches.
