
Region: Callista


The République Barltave of Barlyy

Isle of waifu wrote:Ok? You don’t have to be rude about it. You could have just said “no” or “I’d prefer not to” that would be much nicer.

I'll admit, I've been a bit angrier than normal today. Forgive me if I came off as rude, it's just that it's annoying to just sit here, supress posts and warn people over and over.

Dominioan wrote:Fun
I mean, I thought he was doing okay. He hasn't had much time to do anything besides COVID stuff. But he is being useless on Israel (surprise, surprise)

Yeah, what a surprise! Sadly, it appears that nobody cares about Palestinians dying. Again, not surprising.

Dominioan, Baloo Kingdom, The Mongo Empire, Arisyan, and 2 othersSorianora, and Isle of waifu
