
Region: Philosophy 115


The State of Telgan

Sad day that Sam has CTE.

I have no idea the powers of the WAD position has now. I am open to any and all suggestions to keep the region free of raiders. I do not want to impose a password as I think we all would agree that would spell the end of P115 (as well as not knowing if I have thag power).

I am sure the good doctor shall be back. Wishing him well.

P.s. Red Star you have been a valued person throughout the years here. Be sad also to see you go. Wishing you the best in life and all the happiness. Hope you shall reconsider and stay. However, the region has become a bit of slow and snail filled land. The last bit of activity was last Spring and Summer. I am hopeful that trend may continue.

P.P.S. I think, persoanlly, it would be wise to create more officer positions for those of us who have been here a time to enable more protection. Not sure if this will work but worth a go. If anyone is interested, please telegram me.

I have granted as full of a position I can for a few trusted people. I am sure that I have missed people (please say). Please also feel free to add polls and anything which may create a livelier environment. Lol.

Thanks all.
