
Region: Tsumonrin


Serdian republic

In an odd but relatively speaking uninteresting bit of news today, The Serdian Astronomical Survey Union (SASU) has announced today that starting at 9:40 PM to at least 1:22AM last evening, multiple astronomers belonging to the SASU and various independent observatories within the United Serdian States claimed have witnessed strange happenings upon the planet Mars described as "Eruptions of luminous gas."

as of now however the bizarre incidents are currently being passed off as mere volcanic incidents.
When asked to comment upon the happenings, chief Astronomer and head of the United Serdian States Meteorological Survey Mr. Matthew H. Ogilvy had this to say upon the matters.

"I hate to dash the collective imaginations of the world but the Chances of ANYTHING at all coming from the planet of Mars is... well At least a million to one! There could be no living thing upon that remote and inhospitable hellscape that neighbors us." As quoted in the recent prints of the Columbia Gazette, New Hanover Gazette, The Amestrian post and The Saint Denis Times newspapers.

With this news, interest in the red planet has been piqued within Serdia and indeed the continent as at least one foreign Journalist would find as they entered the West Pottersdale Observatory, the primary observatory where Mr. Ogilvy is based out of, located somewhere about... north east of the capitol, in Columbia State, Serdia.

Wielbelkia, Irithylle, and Egoia
