
Region: Edmundian Empire


The Empire of Great Edmundia

Of altonianic islands wrote:Latest Covid-19 News Coming Out Of The Islands:

The particular strain of the Islandsian coronavirus specirfically mutated to become more deadly, with a death rate of roughly 17.6%. The pandemic has claimed the lives of numerous members of Parliament, including the Vice Sage Zachary Taylor, who was supposed to ascend to the sagedom and die of cholera. The virus has sparked unprecedented civil unrest in the historically stable and egalitarian country, a country where all coups have always been bloodless. That changed on June 17, 2020, when there was an attempted coup that killed numerous other MPs, and Vice Sage William McKinely, who died just as he wanted to. This has resulted in a Second Opressean War for Independence, all in the middle of an incredibly deadly virus that has claimed 110 million Islandsian lives. All of this has culminated in an internet blackout throughout the country, which is partly why the greater Edmundian Empire hasn't heard of this. As of July 3, 2020, the Islands are under Marshall Law, named after some guy (or gal!) who happened to also be named Marshall. The good news is that the pandemic is quieting down, and the revolution is being put down with extreme prejudice as we speak. Meanwhile, the traitors who tried to overthrow the government have been exiled to Like Islands, so they can suffer their punishment of being forced to live in the most beautiful, lovely environment in the Empire. Truly a dastardly punishment! Sage Byrne Sunders has selected a new Vice Sage, the third in as many months, and rumors are spreading that the new Vice Sage will be "Great" Scott Morrison, a former fire fighter.

(OOC) Yes, all of these names are trying to make jokes. Yes, this post is laced with sarcasm. Yes, this post is a way for me to detox about my irl government. Sue me.

(Lmao, I love it!)

The Imperial Government has urgently ordered the deployment of two Imperial Navy hospital ships, the INS Clemency and the INS Tranquility, to Altonianic waters to assist with virus treatment.

Meanwhile, a laboratory test to find a vaccine at Gladesopolis University has spectacularly failed. Three dozen mutated lab rats have escaped from the GLU's Institute of Virology into the surrounding suburbia. The rats are reportedly highly dangerous, and local authorities and pest controllers have been deployed in the area to contain the invasive species.

Of altonianic islands, Liki islands, and Osajia
