
Region: Tsumonrin



Congress of Individuals, Staalgrad, 5:48 PM, May 5th
While without an official government in Egoia, the various communities and individuals convene every so often to discuss any major actions or any diplomacy they may attempt to engage in with any nearby nations. In particular a recent development of a group of Egoians calling themselves “Anarcho-Nihilists” have formed an informal federation called The Savage and Witches Anti-Imperialist Front.(SWAF), seeking to spread anarchism through informally organized groups around the world. Various communities spoke via radio and TV and in person in the psuedo-capital of Staalgrad. Then a figured in a hooded cloak with their face concealed and using a voice modifier speaking in the Egoian language sent a message to as far out from egois and areas abroad to whoever might be listening:
Our world is filled with pain, suffering, tyranny. Our war is against everything, our war is a war to oppose all that which would oppose the individual. My name is Able, and I am the leader of The Anti-Imperialist Worker Front. We will soon begin attacks on behalf of SWAF on various locations using whatever methods are available. We seek liberation for all queer folk in our world and seek an end to the exploitation of indigenous peoples snd the working class and the end to all tyrannical hierarchies. To that end we have composed the following message: "Many blame queers for the decline of this society- we take pride in this. Some believe that we intend to shred-to-bits this civilization and it's moral fabric- they couldn't be more accurate. We're often described as depraved, decadent and revolting - but oh, they ain't seen nothing yet.". With that the message concluded and the nation of Egoia began asking around about who Able could be and where they might strike.

Khaos Invaders and Wielbelkia
