
Region: Eientei Gensokyo


The Hybrixinism of Hikxx

Something whatsitsname wrote:(Also, the RMB is spicy today. A new, interesting nation, Ryuki trying to marry Davide and failing hilariously, the usual Dominion-argument, and Chichiyaku interjecting with "Creeper? AW MAN"...
Oh, and Alpha attractor field, welcome to the region. In case you are wondering, my nation is a nation with a population almost entirely made up of dragons. We still are basically the most pacifist nation in the region however, feel free to introduce yourself to us in character (I'm speaking out of character, OOC, right now) sometime. We don't bite. Well, we don't bite you. We bite food just about as much as other beings do, but not humans or any sentient beings. Not all of us breathe fire, either. Not all dragons can, and by the way, the President, River, cannot. Wow that was a lot of commas.

(you are mistaken there, Ryuki are trying to marry Davide's daughter not himself.. Lol)
