
Region: Tsumonrin


The east pacific islands

The imperium of women wrote:Pharan holds his hand up, “I got this...” she looks at the woman, “Sindra there’s going to very likely be a bloodbath on Anzio. There’s allegedly an anarchist plan to kill some Federation Officials. Do you know anything about that?” Sindri glares at Pharan, “We’re not morons. We have our own plans and they don’t involved terrorism. Revolution does nor happen it used to, but you would know that Товарищ Букарин.” Pharan stares, clearly aware of what she means. “I’m doing it my way dear.” He Turns to the commander, “there’s nothing for us here.”

The Soldiers nod, The one and only. Though they’re not violent usually. Usually they get their feedings from donations.

With the peace overture (or at the very least the offer of talks) offered by the Syndicate amidst the rather tense atmosphere on Anzio itself, Federation officials on Anzio itself and some other high ranking foreign ministers from some of the Core and Colonial jurisdictions of the Federation had been gathered in the conference area a couple days before, alongside the officials from the Syndicate, the Arvugian peacekeeping delegation, along with the mainstream Anzian social democrats and communists. Outside this conference area, the atmosphere was decidedly somewhat calm but the air of tension still lingered. The somewhat reduced Federation garrison on Anzio itself, particularly its capital, resumed their normal patrols around the city and roads, but kept themselves attentive at their machine gun posts on their APCs and behind their sandbags for any attempted Anarchist attacks. Surplus supplies of food, medical supplies, and other essentials were being stored from the near daily transports coming in from the Colonies in response to the potential for revolt or rebellion erupting on Anzio.

Despite all of this however, the joint Federation government and local forces around at least tried to keep some level of normalcy as the talks proceeded in order to prevent such escalation from occurring and to maintain at least good if not tolerable relations with the local populace.

Khaos Invaders, Arvug, and The imperium of women
