
Region: Tsumonrin



Breaking News: Centori

In shocking news, a popular night club venue on Centori in the Laksjim capital district has been struck by a hovercar IED, two hundred and fifty people are confirmed dead with many injured by a nearby building collapse and fragmentation caused by the bomb, it is currently unknown who is responsible and the National Security Force when they arrived 15 minutes ago began taking control of the scene, local and NSF police officers will be reviewing security tapes in addition to securing the location for paramedics. Nearby hospitals are currently running at full capacity.

All levels of government including those of other federal planets have condemned this blatant act of terrorism, with mass vigils for the deceased being organised across the Commonwealth. The Federal government however has made it a point to not blame any group or persons until all the facts of the situation has been found, however they have raised the terrorism threat level from green to red as the investigation begins.

The east pacific islands and Emden-orion
