
Region: Wysteria


The Architeuthis Dux of Cthonian Wasteland

Ia! All this talk of baking makes one hungry.

We would highly recommend a recipe we learnt from the kitchens of the venerable Yarooo of the Grendel Borderlands... Gatito en una Cesta!

It is a delicacy and a treat to be sure.

Reagents/Ingredients: 1 Gatito, 1 Cesta, 1 Kris Knife

1) Place the Gatito in the Cesta and use the Kris to prepare the Gatito.
2) Give praise to deity of choice.
3) Consume Gatito.

I grant you, my own chefs have tailored the recipe somewhat from its original form but there are only so many ways one can prepare Gatito and we feel the saltiness of Cthonian basketware really adds to the flavour.

For a vegan/vegetarian alternative, substitute Gatito with squash or similar.

Armaitus Syn,
Om-mani-padme-pope PRIMUS,
New Imboca,
Cthonian Wasteland
