
Region: Norrland



Cressau wrote:Why dont we just make another region that all of those wishing to carry on can be a part of it?

The Rouge Christmas State wrote:It's sad to see you guys are closing down embassies with the transition of power, hopefully, all is well and you guys have a peaceful transition. If the new leadership is interested in maintaining relations I'm sure that our two regions can come to an agreement to keep our embassies with one another open. Regardless best of luck to you guys.
-The RCS

Uan aa Boa wrote:Hello friends. This is a sad development. Is there no way the region can live on under new leadership? I always liked Norrland and there are many far, far less active regions out there.

If we in Forest can do anything to help at this difficult time please don't hesitate to ask.

There's a successor region in progress of being made: Nova Norrlandia. If you wish to continue relations be sure to contact Imperial canadian union as he is a leader of the successor region. I am sure that they are willing to continue relations
