
Region: Northern Deutschland


The MT Army Museum of NorthD33

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Haki22

World Factbook Entry:


This region has been taken by the superior forces of Das Dritte Reich.
The streets rejoice as soldiers of the Wehrmacht march through the streets in unison:ACHTUNG!
Join Das Dritte Reich and together we can crush dissent under the jackboot of national socialism:SCHNELL!


Embassies: Das Dritte Reich.

Tags: Password, Founderless, and Minuscule.

Northern Deutschland is an empty wasteland, devoid of nations.

Regional Happenings

•8 hours ago: Regional Founder The Republic of Haki22 ceased to exist.
•24 days ago: Embassy established between Northern Deutschland and Das Dritte Reich.
•27 days ago: The ReichsMarschall of Hakidaku of the region Das Dritte Reich agreed to construct embassies.
•29 days ago: Haki22 proposed constructing embassies with Das Dritte Reich.
•29 days ago: Haki22 established the region's flag.
•29 days ago: Haki22 arrived from The Rejected Realms.
•29 days ago: Haki22 updated the World Factbook entry.
•29 days ago: The region was founded by Haki22.

Major Events

•8 hours ago: Regional Founder The Republic of Haki22 ceased to exist.
•24 days ago: Embassy established between Northern Deutschland and Das Dritte Reich.
•29 days ago: Region founded by Haki22.

Longest Serving WA Delegate

Northern Deutschland Regional Message Board
There are no lodged messages at present.
