The Highest Drug Use in Equilism

World Census experts sampled many cakes of dubious content to determine which nations' citizens consume the most recreational drugs.

WorldPineapple Fondness Rating
111.The Empire of Slithen251,792nd30.58
112.The Matriarchy of She Cront253,646th25.4
113.The Valiant Union of Karkados254,820th28.14
114.The Metropolitan Nation of Calmset268,418th18.66
115.The Implosion of Banners268,880th18.31
116.The Freedom Jesus Complex of Republicania268,991st18.23
117.The Equilism protectorate of Whamabama271,479th16.7
118.The Republic of Untruths271,752nd16.53
119.The Disputed Territories of OptionOners273,883rd15.45
120.The Principality of Quicumque274,763rd14.61
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